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Tag Archives: 2018

Maltese Shortlist For MESC Songs Revealed

Its been a whole year since we have been delighted by the Maltese national broadcaster, when they have given us the whittled down list – teasing us – this list will be shortened again and the final 16 songs will be announced in the coming months. The 30 songs that have been selected are: Abire – Casablanca Love Aidan – …

Valentina Monetta to sing for another nation in 2018?

[AdSense-B] She is, without a doubt, one of the undisputed icons of modern Eurovision. Valentina Monetta, San Marino’s very own four-time entrant, came back in 2017 to an unfortunate result, but looks ready for more. However, it seems that her time performing for San Marino may potentially be over, as she revealed to Sanmarinese news portal Libertas that she has …

Portugal: RTP confirms Lisbon as 2018 host city

[AdSense-B] Fans of the contest who were around for the bidding process for the 2017 contest, which eventually went to Kyiv, noted that it was a long, drawn-out process, with the host city itself only confirmed in October 2016. Many fans took to social media to complain about the lengthy process leading up to Ukraine’s Eurovision. This year, things couldn’t …

Belgium: Internal selection for 2018

[AdSense-B] VRT, the Flemish broadcaster in Belgium and the broadcaster in charge of next year’s participation for the country, has decided to take a leaf out of the Walloon broadcaster RTBF’s book, who has internally selected to good success in recent years. RTBF’s choices have included Roberto Bellarosa in 2013, Loïc Nottet in 2015 and this year’s entrant Blanche who was …

Cyprus will return to a national final in 2018

[AdSense-B] As the contest in Kyiv rumbles on, news has started to trickle in regarding next year’s contest in an as-yet unknown location. Cyprus has now confirmed their participation in next year’s contest and has confirmed that they will return to a national selection show for the first time since their return in 2015. The Eurovision Song Project helped to …

Estonia: Get ready for Eesti Laul 2018!

[AdSense-B] Estonians are not ones to hang around when it comes to Eurovision – this week the Estonian national broadcaster has already revealed details regarding the tenth anniversary edition of Eesti Laul in 2018, with tickets set to go on sale on Friday, 5th May. The final of the competition will take place on Saturday 3rd March 2018, with two semi-finals …

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