Fans of the craziness of the internet selection in Switzerland might not like the news from the EBU today; Switzerland’s national selection is set to have a few tweaks.
The major change that will see cries of despair and delight in equal measure is that all acts who submit entries to the competition must have a connection to Switzerland. In recent years acts with no connection to the country, including failed entries from other selection competitions, submitted their acts to the Swiss internet portal for one more crack at Eurovision fame. It seems this will be no more, unless one member of the team involved is a Swiss resident or citizen!
Another major change is that the internet portal will be closed to the public, meaning that a jury of 20 music experts will whittle down the entries to their favourite 20, with these artists then being invited to a live check round. The national final itself will take place on Sunday 5th February 2017 in Zurich, with eight finalists fighting for the Swiss ticket to Ukraine.
The submission process will begin on 26th September, so any Swiss nationals reading have some time to create a winning song!
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