Hello Stiko!
First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you ? Can you introduce yourselves ? What can you tell us about yourself?
Thank you! I am a Swedish artist competing in the Melodifestivalen for the first time. But I have done other things before this. Since my debut album in 2008, I have released a total of five albums and a large number of singles. I have been #1 on the Swedish iTunes three times.
The song that you will be presenting for Melodifestivalen is “Titta vi flyger”. What can you tell us about the song?
It is an up-tempo song that I hope can be inspiring and send hope to people. It is a song about overcoming troubles and to never give up on your dreams.
What was the inspiration for the song, and did you write it specifically for Melodifestivalen and Eurovision?
The inspiration is from my life and the people I meet. Yes, it is written specially for this occasion but is no different from how I write songs usually. Maybe I try to get to the point more quickly because of the three minutes rule! I try to use my strengths as a songwriter and artist and the fact that I am one of very few artists entering the competition with a song actually written by the ones performing it on stage.
Sweden have managed to get good results in these last few years. What are you planning to do in order to win Melodifestivalen and eventually try to bring back the Eurovision Song Contest back to Sweden?
I keep a very short leash between me as a private person and being an artist. I am basically the same person, on and off stage. I believe that is very important if you want to be genuine and if you want people to believe in you and your songs. If you hold on to that, the sky is the limit.
What is your impression of the Eurovision Song Contest in general? Do you watch it every year? What is your favorite entry?
Yes, I try to watch it nowadays but I never missed it as a kid. I think it is a great event and I love being a part of the Swedish competition. I think Loreen’s “Euphoria” is one of the greatest Eurovision performances ever. A great song.
Apart from the Eurovision Song Contest , where would you dream to perform?
I love playing music live, so I want to do it more, and everywhere!
Has being on TV made you more self-conscious?
Not the fact that I am on TV but I have noticed that a lot of people starts to recognize me more often. That makes me more aware of what I am wearing and how I appear in public. I try to keep a low profile.
What advice you would give to your teenage self?
Don’t ever stop believing that music is your path in life. You can do it, though it is a long and bumpy road ahead. Just take it one step at a time.
What’s the one thing that might surprise people about you?
I have done walking tours across Sweden for eleven years, 8000 kilometers by foot in total and over 400 concerts. By doing this I have been able to raise more than 150,000 euros for the benefit of children who are sick or poor.
What is a typical day like for you?
I wake up and drive my kids to school and kindergarten. Then I try to keep up with my mails, phone calls and planning stuff. My wife and I enjoy a lunch together before the kids come home. At late nights I stay awake longer than my family, trying to write songs, sing and work in the studio. I usually fall asleep round 02.00 am.
We would like to thank Stiko for his time and wish him the best of luck on the Melodifestivalen stage this weekend!
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