All opinions expressed in this article are those of the person quoted and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the other team members or ESC United as a whole. 

You get the feeling that Latvia’s Eurovision is entering a new era. The post-Dons era – i.e. when Dons’s “Hollow” qualified Latvia for the Grand Final at Eurovision 2024 for the first time in 8 years – begins tonight, with Latvia’s national selection, Supernova, hosting a Semi-Final where 19 hopefuls duke it out for 10 spaces in next week’s final.

Whether the 10th edition of Supernova can ramp up to meet the standards set by Dons remains to be seen, but five people cocky enough to try answer that question have assembled at ESC United to lend their thoughts to Latvia’s 19 semi-finalists.

The ragtag group of misfits reviewing Supernova 2025 from ESC United are:

  • Boris Meersman: The troll under the bridge at the gas station between France and Holland that is called Belgium.
  • David Popescu: The Romanian Eurovision computer that continually says “No.”
  • James Maude: As well as Eurovision, can bore you to death with details about Leeds United, the works of J.M. Coetzee, Star Trek, and Los Angeles fine dining.
  • Jasmin Prišć: Fast becoming our Voice of Reason from Croatia, mostly because no-one else here can get their act together.
  • Rebecca Green: Our newest correspondent from Perth, Australia. That makes her our most isolated writer, though she can still lob grenades from that distance.

And with introductions out of the way, here is Part 2 of our Supernova 2025 review.

(Note: These artists are being reviewed in order of their draw at the Supernova 2025 Semi-Final.)

Luka – “Stronger”

Boris – 7.5 – “A lightweight, fragile poprock song about personal growth with a few silly lines sprinkled here and there. Luka is someone I’ve sank quite a bit of plays in over the few weeks – her song is just the type of pleasant filler I like to listen to while trying to concentrate on my data and spreadsheets. SILENCE, MY HEAD IS A WAR ZONE — working with a brain high on ADD. Stronger isn’t going to win any composer awards, but it gets the job done.”

David – 3 – “It’s an alright song, it has its build-up and my attention stays with it, but eventually the song does lose its momentum and so the interest decreases as well. Melody is fine, but lyrics aren’t really anything special. Very innocent and on its own, but also something that is heard before in a far more interesting way.”

James – 6.5 – “The verses are a bit flat, but the chorus makes a triumphant counterpoint, which was the intent. As pop rock goes, it is amenable and understated. Whether that will work for a song contest remains to be seen, but I’d bet on unlikely.”

Jasmin – 7 – “If only chorus would be more impactful and more edgy I’d be on board. This way, I can say that I am intrigued by the storytelling and the verses are right up my alley. The lyrics are a bit unimaginative though. Could grow on me with a good stage concept and if the performance will go in artistic direction, that would elevate it for me.”

Luka – 4 – “A really overdone trope that gets a few good lyrics in there to counterbalance it a bit. It has a very “early days of Kelly Clarkson” vibe to it. I hope her vocals really make this pop in a live setting, because otherwise this is just far too basic to be interesting or engaging for me.”

Total: 28 points (Average = 5.6)

Chris Noah – “Romance Isn’t Dead”

Boris – 6.5 – “I’ve seen weirder things than a Latvian “named” Chris Noah. Notionally, “Romance isn’t dead” is not a bad indie rock song – its tempo and beat are memorable. The problem is that “Chris Noah” isn’t doing anything particularly exciting with them. This is a song that plays it safe, perhaps because “Chris Noah” is hoping to rope audiences in with strong vocals. But until I’ve heard those strong vocals for myself in a live performance, I will remain a bit underwhelmed by the overall product “Chris Noah” is presenting here.”

David – 3 – “This sends me back to the 2000’s, a great time for music, and I actually appreciate hearing the style from back then once again. Even lyrically wise as well, despite there are a few words now and then, that goes along with today’s diction. With that said, it’s still on the lower end, because it comes out as very simplistic. I don’t have much that I can dive back into.”

James – 3 – “A thoroughly average indie-rock song that doesn’t go anywhere. If romance is still alive, he’s doing a poor job trying to convince.”

Jasmin – 5.5. – “The lyricism of this entry makes me wonder was it intentional or the AI got off the beaten track. It sounds alright but I just can’t make sense of these lyrics no matter how hard I try. Overall, it’s a bit safe and not as original as some other entries.”

Rebecca – 2 – “This sounds like every alt-rock band from Australia in the mid-2000’s—Eskimo Joe, Grinspoon, Kischasy, you name it. What they have that this lacks, however, is a higher tempo and an engaging melody. I’m ready for bed.”

Total: 20 points (Average = 4.0)

Toms Kalderauskis – “Domāju, tu nāc”

Boris – 5.5 – “Toms always goes for generic radio friendly pop in Supernova, and his newest offering is no different. I don’t mind “Domaju, tu nac”. It’s a nice, inoffensive ballad. I call it an insurance song, the type that you can easily glom onto by default if the selection is particularly hopeless. Useful for the average Supernova, but *this* Supernova is anything but average.”

David – 1 – “Veeeeeery slow ballad, I’m bored and over it before it’s done.”

James – 7.5 – “Is it me or has Toms stepped up his game with a mature, heartfelt ballad for 2025? Usually, his Volvo-finance-manager-core material doesn’t cut it, but he has stepped up to early ‘90s Adult Contemporary crooner here. Younger balladeers sound desperate, hyperbolic and needy, and Toms seems to have reached that stage where if his broad leaves him, that’s okay, he’ll pop open the expensive Johnny Walker and go polish his Volvo SC60 again in preparation for his next date.”

Jasmin – 7 – “We’re short in ballads this year. Simply put, this is a nice break from all the electro extravaganza Supernova is offering. The song isn’t revolutionary, but it will stand out a lot. A bit too safe to be completely honest, and some might even say dated. However, songs like this could easily become magical if staged right.”

Rebecca – 1 – “Oh man those notes are too low for you, my guy. Sorry. I’m just bored and not interested in this at all.”

Total: 22 points (Average = 4.4)

Julianna – “Something in the Water”

Boris – 9.5 – “Gods this is SUCH a beautiful song. Raw, ethereal, sparkly vulnerability. I’m hooked. A good live vocal + a good visual act on this, and I can see all but the most vapid be won over by Julianna. But of course, if she WANTS to succeed in the Latvian televote, perhaps make your song available for streaming earlier than the day before the semifinal. :-/”

David – 1 – “Let me keep it simple… I spaced out while listening to this.”

James – 8 – “I am an idiot, and naturally the song title leads me to “Alien: Romulus,” where a cockney yells “there’s sumfink in the worter” before being whisked off for forced alien impregnation. However, unlike that chaotic movie, this song is calm, coherent and ethereal. Also, no member berries for the Eurovision audience, which may doom it for those who want the usual Verse Chorus Verse Chorus Breakdown Key Change formula.”

Jasmin – 8.5 – “Remember Giudi from Czechia 2022 national final? I’m getting the same vibes from this. Artsy and modern but at the same time, edgy and mysterious. The last minute is a vocal perfection and I’m in love. The further we were in the song, the more I was immersed into the experience and all I can say is, great job Julianna!”

Rebecca – 5 – “I’m really digging that we’re giving some of the more experimental songs a chance this year. This one is really interesting, but I don’t think it works for Eurovision. Obviously we have a strong theme and staging concept, but musically it’s not giving me a hook that makes me want to keep listening. Actually that’s sort of a lie—I kept waiting for something to change, to crescendo or satisfy me, but I was left waiting for three minutes.”

Total: 32 points (Average = 6.4)

Tautumeitas – “Bur man laimi”

Boris – 8.5 – “It look a few listens to fully appreciate this turbocharged folk lasagne. “Bur Man Laimi” is an epic piece, and one that could be a smash hit at Eurovision, but kind of shoots itself in the foot with suboptimal soundmixing. Chanting is like lasagna – it’s built in layers, and the layers are not always equal. If Tautumeitas can bring this without making it sound like six women vying for the Main Vocalist spot, this could do the rounds in Riga and – who know s- Basel as well.”

David – 3 – “From my understanding, this group presents very traditional styled Latvian music. If that’s the case, it is indeed felt. It’s a unique piece, which is great to present traditional and cultural stuff, to a foreign listener like me, which is always fascinating. In a competitive nature, then it’s far from that. This is something Latvians can be proud of no matter the outcome, but in this context, it personally doesn’t affect me too much, and instead gets too much of the same.”

James – 6 – “This has its moments, but it’s less a coherent piece and more a clash of egos at a feminist art project. With a bit of tweaking this might have made a better entry for Eurovision Choir. But for the main Eurovision, this is too niche. Certainly for ESC United reviewers like Gabe and Roy who celebrate the songs of salad from Latvia.”

Jasmin – 7 – “No doubts harmonies will be on point, as well as the styling. The song they presented is not among their strongest offerings as I am quite familiar with their discography. It is authentic and true to their usual sound. The song starts really strong but the chorus loses me a bit. A nice package that could do well.”

Rebecca – 7 – “I feel like I’ve interrupted a coven of forest witches doing a ritual to bring good fortunes to the earth. I’m absolutely here for it and I just love how unique it is. This will definitely need strong staging/choreography to have full impact. I’m also not quite sure how they will be going about doing the vocals on stage, since they feel very blended in the studio track and I’m worried it might end up coming out unbalanced when done live.”

Total: 31.5 points (Average = 6.3)

Rūta Dūduma – “Chemical”

Boris – 7.5 – “Goes from Zero to (sort of) Hero about halfway through. The first half of “Chemical” is like a chemistry teacher boringly laying out his ingredients and naming them – here’s the beaker, and my hydrogen peroxide. The second half is the scientific experiment during chemistry class – everything combines at the exactly right moment, and in the exact doses for a middle and end that leaves a positive impression. Definitely looking forward to this one. If the big build-up into big discharge becomes A Moment on the stage as well, it’s yet another Great Supernova 2025 Entry to add to the collection.”

David – 2 – “Very smooth and calming song, but consider it’s a competition, this is absolutely what I don’t want to hear. I’m sorry, the song just leaves me empty without any care for it, when the point is to find a song that does the exact opposite.”

James – 7 – “From some of the entries Latvia has put forward over the years, I am getting the sense that Latvia is full of middle age divorcees. The music seems made for lonely people who go out to middling Italian restaurants in the equivalent of places like Middlesborough, Italian places which also have to serve fish & chips and Shepherd’s Pie to survive. The dates go uneventfully until one goes to the toilet to cry and wonder where life went wrong after the date is a little too enthusiastic about all the divots that are on the top of the focaccia and how he saw that on a Netflix show as a sign of decent focaccia, though he tut-tuts that the olive oil is actually from Albania and not Italy. This song is for that couple.”

Jasmin – 5.5 – “Got me intrigued for a moment but enthusiasm wore off rather fast. At some point it just becomes linear and monotonous. It’s underwhelming to me that it doesn’t build in direction of a proper ballad.”

Rebecca – 4.5 – “Great vocals, but very plain and repetitive lyrics that don’t add to the “chemical” premise of the song. They had the chance to make a lot of unique metaphors here with that title, but they kind of blew it in favour of generic and bland ones. Also, why do we keep adding drum and bass where it isn’t needed?”

Total: 26.5 points (Average = 5.3)

Katrīna Gupalo – “Scarlett Challenger”

Boris – 8.5 – “The biggest indicated that Dons’s qualification awakened Latvia from torpor is that Katrina Gupalo – serial purveyor of Silly Nonsense – is competing with An Actual Nice Song? “Scarlett Challenger” is a catchy trance, building up well. And it’s still very Katrina – eccentric and out there in her usual whimsical, irreverent style. This one will be a feast when it’s performed live.”

David – 2 – “Okay, I need to point this out, the idea of going from obsessed cat lady to this… I mean, that’s quite the change, and respect for that, to be able to switch genre like that. Anyhow, very diva like and far too ballad-y, so I’m a lost cause.”

James – 8 – “Sultry, loungey, yet strange. The lyrics don’t quite jive with the underlying track, like a demented cat lady walked into a wine bar with a piano, screamed “I got your ooh la la right here, f&%^$#!” and surprisingly performed a smooth lounge song. Not a bad comeback for an artist who created a small army of devoted cat lovers at Supernova 2024.”

Jasmin – 6 – “The intro of the song caught me off guard but it nicely blands with the verse. The melody is rather light and a bit dreamy until it explodes in the last chorus. I can’t say I’m in love or impressed with the song but I find it original enough to give it credits for it. The spoken parts are not my thing at all. A huge shift from the cat song which was hilarious and camp. In comparison, this one seems much more serious, but still cute and charming.”

Rebecca – 3 – “It’s on the verge of musical theatre but not quite there. The drum and bass come out of nowhere and somehow make the song less engaging for me. Also, for the last time: stop talking at me during your song!”

Total: 27.5 points (Average = 5.5)

Sinerģija – “Bound by the Light”

Boris – 8 – “Mother has come back to serve Nature and all its gremlins (moi), she’s great aaaaaand… she’s not even top five for me lmfao Latvia STOP. Seriously, Madara, great effort once again, KEEP coming back we love you.”

David – 3 – “The highlight of this song for me, is definitely the use of the string instruments, I really wish it was more used and more noticeable as well in the song. I’m also personally getting very Nordic vibes from this, which goes well with Latvia. Lyrically, I absolutely don’t get it, and vocally, it is quite weak when comparing this genre of songs.”

James – 9 – “I love this New Age take on old folk that Northern Europeans do so well from Ireland to Finland. Dark, foreboding chanting with drums and strings, women swirling around in nature in white. It’s memorable, majestic and epic, and something I don’t expect from Latvia who have typically tried to sell us on quirky and small instead.”

Jasmin – 9.5 – “Woah! What an experience! I love songs that take you on a journey and are more than splits and la-la-la, let’s dance and have fun. This is brilliant and it could be actually my favourite song of the whole NF season so far. Everything about it screams perfection and I can’t wait to see it on stage. I got touched by the vocal and the enchanting music video. I could go on but you get the point. Latvia, please… I’m begging you!”

Rebecca – 4 – “So the draw for this one is obviously their instruments, but for me I can’t see it being very engaging on the Eurovision stage when you consider they won’t be playing them live. In an age where they could still play live, for sure this would be more appealing, but in 2025 I just don’t see this one having any staying power.”

Total: 33.5 points (Average = 6.7)

Markus Riva – “Bigger than This”

Boris – 4.5 – ““F’cking retire, bitch. Sadly, Markus isn’t retiring and is once again inflicting the same generic dronebeat with vapid lyrics and autotuned voice. DOES HE EVER GET BORED OF FAILURE?! His song this year (I’ve already forgotten what it sounds like) stands out even WORSE than normal due to the high quality in Supernova this year. Frankly, this is not even a 4.5/10. I simply refuse to drag my average score – the highest across all selections – down for the sake of Marcus Riva.”

David – 3 – “First of all, absolute respect to this mad man. Markus keeps trying and trying and he might have a contender this time, but that doesn’t mean it’s good. The beat does have something to it, but lyrically, it’s a lot of nothing which struggles to stand by its point. The music isn’t powerful enough either to properly deliver the message of the song.”

James – 7 – “I can hear Boris growling all the way from Belgium that Markus Riva is back. Personally, I don’t mind, and if he breaks that old Swedish bird’s attempts record, good on him. Seeing as he spends more time in Los Angeles than Riga, his career must be getting bigger than just plodding along in backwater Eurovision national selections. Anyway, as for this specific Riva effort, it’s his typical “pump yourself up self-empowerment” gay club banger. And that’s always been the Riva problem – he provides a competent club track without the requisite fireworks a song competition requires. It’s as if the Eurovision part is incidental to his career and just a way to put out a single on the January calendar.”

Jasmin – 6 – “Markus always a bridesmaid never the bride. This song is not any better or worse than his previous attempts. This is inviting and many people will find it appealing but I don’t know how many will say this is their favourite. The bridge starts out of nowhere and the music stopped which caught me off guard. However, that could be a good moment for him to do something cool on stage. The song feels unfinished to me, I don’t know.”

Rebecca – 2 – “Oh bless him, he wants to go to Eurovision so bad. Unfortunately it’s unlikely it’ll be this year, either. This is just… really bland, while also sounding like every radio-friendly song ever. Maybe next time, Markus! Don’t give up, you’ll get there someday!”

Total: 22.5 points (Average = 4.5)

After the back half of the Semi-Final, we can see The Ludvig, Tepat and KoBra and Terat are still the top three:

  1. The Ludvig – “Līgo” – 37.5 points (Average = 7.5)
  2. KoBra – “Zelts” – 36.5 points (Average = 7.3, Median = 9)
  3. Tepat – “Sadzejot” – 36.5 points (Average = 7.3, Median = 7.5)
  4. Sinerģija – “Bound by the Light” – 33.5 points (Average = 6.7)
  5. Julianna – “Something in the Water” – 32 points (Average = 6.4, Median = 8.0)
  6. Adelina – “Electric Love” – 32 points (Average = 6.4, High = 7.0)
  7. Tautumeitas – “Bur man laimi” – 31.5 points (Average = 6.3)
  8. Bel Tempo and Legzdina – “The Water” – 30 points (Average = 6.0)
  9. Luka – “Stronger” – 28 points (Average = 5.6)
  10.  Katrīna Gupalo – “Scarlett Challenger” – 27.5 points (Average = 5.5, Median = 6.0, High = 8.5)
  11.  Marta – “Lovable” – 27.5 points (Average = 5.5, Median = 6.0, High = 7.0)
  12.  Rūta Dūduma – “Chemical” – 26.5 points (Average = 5.3)
  13.  Citi Zēni – “Ramtai” – 25.5 points (Average = 5.1)
  14.  Markus Riva – “Bigger than This” – 22.5 points (Average = 4.5, Median = 4.5)
  15.  Palú – “Delusional” – 22.5 points (Average = 4.5, Median = 4.0, High = 8.0)
  16.  Justs – “Fit Right” – 22.5 points (Average = 4.5, Median = 4.0, High = 6.0)
  17.  Toms Kalderauskis – “Domāju, tu nāc” – 22 points (Average = 4.4)
  18.  Chris Noah – “Romance Isn’t Dead” – 20 points (Average = 4.0)
  19.  Emilija – “Heartbeat” – 19.5 points (Average = 3.9)

Who do #YOU want to see make it to Latvia’s Supernova 2025 Final? Let us know in the comments below, on social media, or in our forum.

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