Rehearsals for Junior Eurovision are quickly approaching, but this week we were able to grab Sophie Lennon from Ireland for a quick interview! Together we discussed her excitement for the contest and to represent her country, balancing her demanding schedule, and what she hopes to accomplish after the contest.

Hello there Sophie, thanks for taking some time out of your day to interview with ESCUnited! How are you doing ahead of the big show on December 11th?

I’m doing great thanks! I have lots of dress fittings and I have been rehearsing quite a lot to prepare for the big show.

I can only imagine! And you are from Mayobridge in Northern Ireland so I believe that makes you the first-ever Junior Eurovision participant from Northern Ireland. How does that make you feel?

It makes me feel super proud and honored that I’m the first from Northern Ireland to represent my country.

Now this year wasn’t your first attempt to go to JESC for Ireland, as you competed in the national selection in 2021 also and finished in third overall. Has Junior Eurovision always been something you’ve wanted to be part of?

Yes! The Junior Eurovision has been one of my biggest dreams ever since I was a little girl! I’ve just always dreamt of being part of something as big as the Junior Eurovision on such a huge and magical stage!

You also have a lot of performance experience between TV competitions, and on the theater stage as you performed in Belfast’s production of “Shrek: The Musical” and in “Children of Eden” on West End. What is your favorite thing about being on stage as a performer?

My favourite thing about being on state as a performer is the whole adrenaline and buzz I get from singing in front of a large audience! My goal when singing is to mostly just make people happy and that they enjoy my singing!

While you’ve got tons of experience, you’re also still a school student while you’re doing all of this. What’s it like balancing Junior Eurovision preparations, press, and homework all at the same time?

Some days are easier than others when trying to balance the Junior Eurovision and school, but my school has been very supportive of me and any work I miss they make sure I catch up on! I have done most of my tests for Christmas so I don’t have too much to worry about now.

In thinking about your time at Junior Eurovision and in Armenia, what are you most looking forward to doing or experiencing? 

In Armenia, I am really looking forward to exploring different cultures and traditions, and meeting all of the other contestants in person. We have all been staying in touch on Instagram and Whatsapp! We would FaceTime and text each other daily and they are all so nice to me. It feels like I’ve known them my whole life.

Focusing on your JESC song, those who don’t speak Irish may not know that “Solas” tells a message about mental health and how people can help others. How did you and the songwriting team settle on this message and what does it mean to you to share this story with the world?

The song was written with the message that no matter how dark or sad times get, you will always have the light inside of you which will guide you through tough times. And remember, everyone has that light inside of them, it can just be hard to find sometimes, but never let that dishearten you.

I got news that immediately after Junior Eurovision ends you’re heading back to West End to perform in another production. What else can our readers expect to see from you following the contest’s end?

Yes, after the Junior Eurovision I am due to perform in the West End and hopefully after JESC I will have many more magical experiences on my journey. 🙂

In closing, do you have a final message you’d like to share with the ESCUnited readers?

My final message to the ESCUnited readers is: Thank you to each and every one of you for all your tremendous support and lovely comments, it really means the world to me! I really hope to see some of you in Armenia! Make sure you come and say hello, love you all!

Sophie Lennon will compete alongside 15 other countries on December 11th with her song “Solas”, and remember that you can support Lennon in the online televote starting on December 9th at 20:00 PM CET.

Are #YOU rooting for Sophie Lennon in Yerevan? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!

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