Ljubjana, 20 January 2022

Yesterday, Slovenian broadcaster RTVSlo revealed the line-ups of the semifinals for their Eurovision pre-selection,  Evrovizijska Melodija, (EMA for short).

The Slovenian national final will feature 4 liveshows.  The first one is the Final of EMA Freš, a precursor competition for newly debuting artists. This live final (effectively a quarterfinal within the context of EMA 2022), will air on Friday 28 January, and will see four acts qualify for the semifinals. Two of the qualifiers will be determined by a Jury Vote, while the Televote picks the other two.

 EMA Freš Line-Up (28/01/2022)

  1. Mia Vučković – “Telenovela”
  2. De Liri – “Obstajam”
  3. Jon Vitezič – “Jesus Style”
  4. Ina – “Moj dopamin”
  5. Marijan & Špela “I Am So In Love”
  6. Stela Sofia “Tu in zdaj”
  7. Leya Leanne “Naked”
  8. Nika S. “Počakaj me”
  9. Katja Kos “Deadly Flower”
  10. Jaka Hliš “Svoje sreče krojač”
  11. Anja Vodošek “Maniac”
  12. Emma “Moja sreča”
  13. LPS “Disko”
  14. LUMA “All In”

You can listen to snippets of the 14 EMA Freš hopefuls below:

The Semifinals will be aired on 5 and 12 Febuary. Each liveshow features a line-up of 10 participants: 8 Established artists and two EMA qualifiers. Six acts will qualify from each semifinal, 3 selected via a professional jury, 3 picked via the televote. In total, 12 acts will be selected to compete for the EMA Final on 19 February.

EMA Semifinal 1 Line-Up (05/02/2022)

  1. July Jones – “Girls Can Do Anything”
  2. David Amaro – “Še vedno si lepa” (You are still beautiful)
  3. Le Serpentine – “Tud teb se lahk zgodi” (It can happen to you too)
  4. Bowrain & Brina – “Čas je” (It’s time)
  5. EMA FREŠ qualifier
  6. EMA FREŠ qualifier
  7. Jonatan Haller – “Obzorje” (Horizon)
  8. Batista Cadillac – “Mim pravil” (My rules)
  9. Zala Smolnikar – “V ogledalu” (In the mirror)
  10. Manouche – “Si sama?” (Are you alone?)

Today, snippets of the participating songs from the first semifinal were released, which you can listen to below

We will bring you the line-up of the second semifinal tomorrow, after the snippets have been made public.

Slovenia have been competing as a part of Yugoslavia since the 60s, and débuted as a sovereign state at the 1993 contest held in Millstreet. Since then, their best result is 7th place, achieved by Darja Švajger in 1995, and later matched by Nuša Derenda in 2001.  It is to be noted that 1975 Yugoslav representatives Pepel in Kri, a Slovene group, “won” the 1990 contest in Zagreb as a part of Toto Cotugno‘s backing choir.

Despite being a small country, Slovenia have an above average qualification record, reaching the finale five times in the past 10 contests (in 2011, 2014, 2015, 2018 and 2019). Last year’s entrant, Ana Soklič, failed to reach the finale with her song “Amen”, finishing 13th in a field of 16.

What are #YOUR opinions on Slovenia’s line-up. Do #YOU think it holds promise? Let us know in the comments, on social media, or on our forum HERE. 

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