Sietse Bakker stands down from his Eurovision roles.
Sietse Bakker stands down from his Eurovision roles.

Sietse Bakker has been organising the Eurovision Song Contest for the last 6 years, and has worked for the EBU for 10 years. Bakker has held a number of positions within the EBU, including Event Organisor for ESC and JESC.

Sietse has today announced that he will now be stepping down from his role as Eurovision Event Organisor after dedicating half of his life to the contest. in a statement he released today he states:

The 2016 Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm will be my 10th serving the EBU, and my 6th as Event Supervisor. This also marks the 16th year of Eurovision Song Contest involvement, starting in 2000 when I founded Just weeks after the contest in Stockholm, I will turn 32, which means I have then dedicated exactly half of my life to this amazing event. After some good talks with family, friends and colleagues, I concluded that this marks a great moment for change! This means, the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm will be my last as Event Supervisor. Concluding my work as Event Supervisor will allow me to focus on the growth of my companies. And in the months to come, all the way up to Stockholm 2016, it’s business as usual!

The Stockholm contest will be his last contest in charge and plans on playing things no differently this time around, he will, in his own words keep “Business as usual” until the 15th of May 2016 when he can wake up after the previous night’s celebrations and embark on his new projects.

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