San Marino reveal their singer(s) on Tuesday
San Marino reveal their singer(s) on Tuesday

As we previously announced, San Marino have selected their entry for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest, and it was a matter of time before the announcement was officially made. The date has been set for the announcement of the act! The announcement will be made on Tuesday the 12th of January!

The 7th Sammarinese will be revealed on Tuesday. The discussions have been hot on this topic with many fans wishing to see the Queen of San Marino, Valentina Monetta, return for a 4th attempt at bringing the trophy home. The announcement will be made during a press conference, to be held in the TV Studio, as in recent years. The announcement will be broadcast on

So, who do you wish to see flying the Sammarinese flag in Stockholm? Will we have Valentina? Will we see the 2015 act, Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola, follow in the footsteps of Valentina and return to the contest? Or will we see someone new? Have your say in our forum HERE.

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