
Tonight, Romania will kick off with their semi-final. 15 acts will compete against each other and only 10 will make to the final which is scheduled for Sunday 5th March. Ramona Nerra has spoken to us about her entry “Save me”

Hello Ramona

First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you ?What can you tell us about yourself?

Hi there! My name is Ramona Nerra . I am a Romanian singer , living since more than 15 years in Germany (that meanwhile became my home) . I write songs on everyday basis , music or lyrics depends on the inspiration… 🙂 and I travel the world performing . Life is good, and I would like to give my country where I was born and raised something back. This is why I decided to try again, this is  my 3rd attempt for the Romania National Selection and maybe I will represent Romania at the Eurovision Song Contest

Your song that you will be presenting for the national final in Romania is “Save me” . What can you tell us about the song?

Save me  is a song about a wrestles , sick kind of love that keeps you stuck in between reality and what you dream about this relationship is. The beat, the sound and the strong vocal line is like a cry for help , hoping that somebody will save you. And you will be able to love again.

What was the inspiration for the song, and did you write it specifically for the national final in Romania and Eurovision?

The song was written on a writing session with 2 amazing songwriters : Terri Bjerre (USA) and Toddi Reed (Germany). We sat down writing songs for an ATB album , but at the end of the session i decided to keep the song for myself because i felt it fits my voice so well… and I loved the whole vibe of the song.

At the end of December we met again and finished the production , recording the vocal track too. We did everything in Hamburg at Toddi Reeds studio. And after that i decided to give Eurovision one last try… so here I am… 🙂

What is your impression of the Eurovision Song Contest in general? Do you watch it every year? What is your favorite entry?

I love the Song Contest , the happiness around it , the colorful , full of life performances every country brings up on stage. I watch it every time , dreaming about being on that stage one day! I hope my dream comes true this year!! 🙂 Wish me luck!!

Apart from the Eurovision Song Contest , where would you dream to do a performance?

Definitely on a WMA !! This is just insane … and probably the biggest dreams an artist can have!! But also summer festivals, there are the best crowds and it´s a lot of fun !

Has being on tv made you more self-conscious?

I don´t think so. I work even more to be the best I can be, and being on TV only made my face a little more popular . Now I´m working on my putting my music out there.

What ís the best bit of advice you have ever been given? 

Take decisions like you have million bucks on your pocket, and if you are afraid of somebody misjudging you try to imagine that person shoes. 🙂 That truly helps ! hahaha 🙂

What’s your biggest fear?

Of disappointing my self

Where would we find you on a typical Sunday Afternoon?

Mostly on the road, coming back home from a last night show. 🙂

What is a typical day like for you?

Going late to bed ,waking up early , being most of the day lost in between parent life and an artist life. 🙂

You can listen to Ramona’s entry “Save me” in the link:

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