The country was very close at withdrawing for the upcoming contest, but fret no more, because details are now out and we now know what will happen. Romania has finally decided to release details for Selecţia Naţională, and how it will be done in 2023.

Selecţia Naţională 2023

Starting from November 14th and lasting until December 11th, the submission period will open and anyone interested to participate at the Romanian national final can take part. That’s right, anyone actually. Once again, the country will allow anyone to be part of the competition, even if there is no singer assigned a song. Romania has in recent years been plagued by problems at the national final, and earlier this year, they were even one of the six countries, that were found guilty of jury fraud during the contest in Turin.

We’ll take a closer look at what will be different in 2023, compared to the past years, but for now, let’s have a look at the important dates that we know of so far:

  • 14th November – 11th December 2022: Submission period open
  • 14th – 16th December 2022: Pre-selection
  • 17th – 18th December 2022: Release of the 12 finalists
  • 19th December 2022: Results of the pre-selection
  • 11th February 2023: Selecţia Naţională 2023

Now for the detailed things, the selection process remains largely the same to the way it was done in 2022. The submission period is literally open for anyone, even for compositions without a singer. This is where TVR are willing to step in, and allocate a “submission” to a singer, if in agreement with the composer. Other than that, most of the rules are the standard ones, which is set by the EBU.

The pre-selection part, will consist of a maximum number of 7 jury members, who will together pick 12 songs that will participate in the national final. These juries will give points based on multiple criteria, where the highest ranked songs will be picked to participate in the televised show. The juries will only be informed about the song title and the singer, when listening to the songs.

If anything happens during the submission period and pre-selection, such as entries being disqualified or not verified, authors and singers will have the possibility to appeal the decision for 24 hours, after they are informed.

Probably the biggest change to last year, is that the winner will be selected purely by public votes, both online and sms. In case of a tie, the tied performances will be repeated and another round of voting will take place.

Are #YOU happy that Romania didn’t withdraw and do #YOU think Romania are taking the right approach for 2023?
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Source(s): (In Romanian)

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