As you know the team of ESCunited is in Stockholm and we are in the press center. After the lunch brake and three more countries went up on stage.

First up was Croatia and Nina. She was in a silver glittery dress with a tree printed on it. She gave a very good vocal performance. There were four backing vocalists with her and they actually tear a part her big dress.

Douwe Bob was next up. He wasn’t alone on stage neither. There was a whole band with him so that give us you even more folkish feeling. Vocally he was very decent and he also went down the catwalk.

Iveta from Armenia was last in this round and what a performance did she had. There was wind, there was smoke and of course fire. Also there were a few more Ivetas on stage as holograms were also used. I would say that she didn’t give all of her voice, but yet again, it was perfect.

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