The people at ESC United are excited that we are going to the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen and hope that we will represent our readers the best that we can.

As a result, we are asking you to help us find the best questions to ask the singers and their delegations. We have created a new section in the 2014 ESC section of our forum called “Questions for the artists and delegation“. You can find the link HERE. All you have to do is select the proper country/artist thread and click on “Reply To Thread”. (You do not need to have a login in order to post your question).

Last year the artists were excited to answer questions of the fans directly as you can see in HERE or HERE.

Matt Moje 3 serbia
ESC United talking to the ladies from Moje 3 (Serbia) in Malmo.

These questions can be Eurovision related, general music questions regarding the artist, or even random questions (e.g., what three items would you take with you on a deserted Island).

We will have final say about which questions get asked, but we’d appreciate it if everyone keeps their questions polite. Negative or overly critical questions (e.g. Why is your song so bad? Do you think your song is plagiarism?) will most likely not get chosen.

So what questions do you think would be the best questions to ask artists?  Be sure to include your name and your city and country of origin.

Again the link to this section of the forum can be found HERE.


Stay tuned for more ways for you to get involved as it is our mission to bring the contest as close as possible to our readers.

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