With the announcement of the hotly-anticipated Bulgarian entry imminent, our team have taken a look at all six candidate songs. Which song did Daniel, Melanie and Sean like the most?
We will also reveal YOUR favourite after our reviews, so stick around!
Dive into Unknown
Daniel – 8 – What a mesmerizing song. It really has some memorable lyrics and interesting feel to the build-up. I am in this weird position where I prefer the build and verses than the actual chorus. Nevertheless, it still has this captivating feeling, and that is amplified by very strong instrumentation that makes you really feel the music. Overall very happy with this song and it is really on brand for this genre, down to those last 10 second of a piano solo.
Melanie – 9 – If there’s one song on the EP that really showcase VICTORIA’s full potential, it’s “Dive Into Unknown.” Her voice control and built is just wonderful in this song. From the subtle piano begin till the part that a choir is singing a part of the last chorus. It really feels like she’s slowly letting go. This is just goosebump material and I hope Bulgaria is going to pick this song from her EP.
Sean – 6.5 – “Dive into Unknown” is a nice enough song but it really never gets going. It plods along nicely, but doesn’t have too much of a spark or excitement compared to other songs on the EP and in the running for Bulgaria. I do like the piano at the end of the song though, that’s a neat touch!
Total = 23.5 (avg. 7.83)
Growing Up Is Getting Old
Daniel – 9 – Victoria just has a penchant of making such touching music that I can still see as commercially potent. I think that this song falls closest to the “mainstream” category, and I say that as a plus, it has a memorable build, it tells a story, and is accompanied by enticing instrumentation. I think that many people are expecting are more anti-pop element, but I personally like these songs build and growth because I feel myself be part of the journey from the very beginning.
Melanie – 9 – This is giving me nostalgia vibes! Really great built while keeping it intimate due the minimalistic instrument. It just giving me goosebumps while listening. It feels honest and right from her heart. I’m only scared that the viewers are thinking that the built is too slow and already will stop listening the song halfway because they think it’s “boring.” That’s the reason I prefer “Dive Into Unknown” and “Ugly Cry” over this masterpiece. But maybe I’m wrong and this will do well in Eurovision!
Sean – 7 – Ah, well it’s a really pretty song but it lacks the punchiness of some of Victoria’s other songs. This almost feels quite grandiose and ceremonial and reminds me of some kind of wedding reception somehow. Very classy and could be a hit when performed live, but it just doesn’t feel like the right song for Eurovision somehow. I don’t see this one reaching as wide an audience as “Imaginary Friend”, for example.
Total = 25 (avg. 8.33)
Imaginary Friend
Daniel – 9.5 – I feel the build, I feel the emotion, I feel the ambiance. I see this song as being like a visual explosion and having this incredible journey. I also see it as one of the most memorable with the rhythm. It combines some strong contemporary elements with some of her more particular elements. I think song serves a strong contender to represent Bulgaria and make quite the splash in Rotterdam. Victoria cannot do wrong, she can only do well, and with this song she does really well.
Melanie – 8 – The vibe in this song is just amazing. It’s very haunting and really takes you into the song. Her soothing voice compliments this song and bring it to a next level. You just really hear her emotions in the bridge part, that is also the strongest part in the whole song. Maybe she still needs to tone down the Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmh, because the amount of usage in this song can grade it down. I’m just curious if this kind of song would do well at Eurovision, but I’m definitely loving it.
Sean – 10 – This one is exceptional, and holds a candle well to “Tears Getting Sober”. It has the same sense of melancholy but is ever so slightly more upbeat and singable. The production is sublime, Victoria’s vulnerable vocals are at their best, the lyrics are creative and the whole package is such an enjoyable experience. Bulgaria choosing this would put them deservedly high up in the favourites for Eurovision 2021 I think!
Total = 27.5 (avg. 9.17)
Phantom Pain
Daniel – 6.5 – I know macabre and gothic are her vibes but my, my, that music video was something. It was all in white and bright and I felt uneasy watching it. It has those elements of the sublime that make it prime for a sociological reading of the glorification of pain. But this is not an academic conference, it is a music contest. I think that it has so many merits but may fall too much on the avant-garde train without it being relatable enough to actually perform well. I appreciate it for what it is though.
Melanie – 6.5 – Let be honest; If VICTORIA would release this song like 5 years ago, we would all eat this like dessert. Unfortunately, we all know if VICTORIA will go represent Bulgaria with this song, she will be non-stop compared with Billie Eilish. However, if we will forget the Billie Eilish comparison for a minute, even still it would be my least favourite song of her EP. It just doesn’t sound natural and I’ve got the feeling this is not the type of music VICTORIA wants to make. She sounds and feel more natural in the “Haunting Ballad” genre. I appreciate the fact that she tries something else, but this isn’t working for her.
Sean – 8.5 – Now this one is really deserving of Billie Eilish comparisons, wow! I love the driving dark beat throughout the song and the effortlessly cool feeling of this song. I’d be interested in seeing this one on stage more than most of these songs and it would certainly be a HELL of a standout in Rotterdam. The slow-down effect into the epilogue is interesting too but I feel this wouldn’t be part of the ESC song.
Total = 21.5 (avg. 7.17)
The Funeral Song
Daniel – 8.5 – My first thought is that this might be a bid morbid for Eurovision, can you imagine singing a song about your own funeral, how meta but how disconcerting? I am a huge HUGE fan of the music box trap elements, this makes it memorable. I think this song is providing something extremely different and has a very particular point of view. And the lyrics, I mean we should expect it from her and her team, but my goodness. Like how can this be any more emotionally compelling?
Melanie – 7.5 – Well is it a great idea to go to the Eurovision Contest with a song called “The Funeral Song” during a pandemic whereas a lot of people are dying from Covid-19? It just made me feel uncomfortable watching the music video. However, I love the lyrics in this song and the transition from the chorus to the verses. It’s dark but somehow also fun to listen. It’s just something more casual than what I’m used to from her and I like it. Great song but not a leading single of an album.
Sean – 7 – The production on “The Funeral Song” is very bo-en (check him out) which I give good kudos for. Again, this would certainly be different at the contest, but would people really get it? It has staging potential, and it’s another song that would stand out in Rotterdam, but I think Victoria already has more obvious choices here.
Total = 23 (avg. 7.67)
Ugly Cry
Daniel – 7.5 – I think this song straddles the more dark pop realm than the anti-pop dominion. I think that it is most certainly a vibe, just not sure if it is mine. I think that for the kind of energy it is giving off, it seems a bit muted and would wish that the chorus would be more dynamic. This feeling is much more song specific, I just feel that there is a little bit of mismatch. I do think the visual possibilities for this song are infinite, especially that final transition.
Melanie – 8 – Remember back in November when Victoria released this much anticipated song? Never understood why the reactions were quite underwhelming back then. I really see this song as a great evolution from “Tears Getting Sober.” It’s in the same dark and eerie style we know her from her Eurovision 2020 entry, but it’s not trying to be the same. The beat is contemporary and is something what would do well in the mainstream charts. Maybe it’s missing that ethereal spark that “Tears Getting Sober” had, but nevertheless “Ugly Cry” would be a great 2021 entry for Bulgaria!
Sean – 7.5 – Ah, the black sheep of this little family of songs! Not sure why this one was released so far ahead of the others, but I guess thematically it doesn’t fit as well with the other songs on Victoria’s EP. This is catchy, and has the crooked charm of some of the other songs. It would be an interesting song to stage at Eurovision too. I think it’s not the best choice, but wouldn’t be too mad if it was chosen.
Total = 23 (avg. 7.67)
Let’s see what our ranking of the Bulgarian songs was…
- Imaginary Friend – 27.5
- Growing Up is Getting Old – 25
- Dive Into Unknown – 23.5
- Ugly Cry – 23
- The Funeral Song – 23
- Phantom Pain – 21.5
So the top two seemed clear to our team, but it is “Imaginary Friend” that we wanted VICTORIA to perform in Rotterdam!
But did #YOU agree? In our poll, the result was clear – #YOU have picked “Imaginary Friend” as your favourite of the six songs also, with 52.3% of the vote, ahead of “Ugly Cry” in second with 17.9%.
Will this be reflected in Bulgaria’s decision tonight? Will “Imaginary Friend” be Bulgaria’s song for Eurovision 2021? Share what #YOU think with us on our forum HERE, or join the discussion below and on social media!