Croatia’s OGAE have voted in the association wide Eurovision poll, in the run up to Malmö, and they are the 15th to do so. So here are the scores on the doors:

  1. Denmark 12 pts
  2. San Marino 10 pts
  3. Ukraine 8 pts
  4. Azerbaijan 7 pts
  5. Germany 6 pts
  6. Russia 5 pts
  7. Norway 4 pts
  8. FYR Macedonia 3 pts
  9. United Kingdom 2 pts
  10. Ireland 1 pt

Watch Croatia’s favourite, Denmark (again), here.

[vsw id=”k59E7T0H-Us” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”yes”]


Notably, Croatia have given Macedonia their first scores, lifting them to a somewhat indifferent 20th place, gift Ireland their third point, and extend Emmelie De Forest’s (Denmark) ever gaping lead to a significant range of 43 points from second placed San Marino. The current highest placed nation without a single point from OGAE Croatia is Marco Mengoni for Italy. So, after this injection of points from Croatia, the overall top ten table looks like this:

  1. Denmark 146 pts
  2. San Marino 103 pts
  3. Norway 86 pts
  4. Germany 78 pts
  5. Italy 76 pts
  6. United Kingdom 63 pts
  7. Netherlands 61
  8. Sweden 45 pts
  9. Russia 43 pts
  10. Ukraine 42 pts


This has shuffled Cascada (Germany) marginally above Italy and the United Kingdom pushes off drawing with the Netherlands with the slightly insignificant two point gap, gifted to them by Croatia’s OGAE.

Quite a few OGAEs remain to vote, around 20, but already Denmark’s lead is becoming unassailable. We’ll see how it progresses, and we will post as Europe’s different OGAEs register their votes.

Of course, you can check out the full listing of the voting here.

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