This morning, NRK the Norwagian broadcaster has released the 10 finalists for the upcoming Norsk Melodi Grand Prix which is scheduled for the 11th March in Oslo.
The artists are as follows :-
- Ammunition – Wrecking Crew
- Ulrikke – Places
- Amina Sewali – Mesterverk
- JOWST – Grab The Moment
- Kristian Valen – You & I
- Elin & The woods – First step in faith/Oadjebasvuhtii
- Jenny Augusta – I Go Where You Go
- Ella – Mamma boy
- Rune Rudberg Band – Run Run Away
- In Fusion – Nothing Ever Knocked Us Over
Line Elvsåshagen and Kåre Magnus will present the show in the Oslo Spektrum.NRK received more then 1000 submittion for this year’s competition. The full songs are expected to be released on February 15th. Among from the changes in this year’s competition an internation jury will be involved in selecting the 4 songs which will reach the Golden Final.