Third Semi-Final of Sveriges favourite show is over. We have two more finalists and two more acts for andra chansen round. Oscar Zia and Lisa Ajax won the Golden Ticket for Grand Final in Friends Arena at the 12th of March!

Guy of the night, Oscar Zia performed Human and left a strong impression! While he was performing the whole Twitter burned. Mostly of Oscar’s fans changed their Twitter name to #Human in honor to this guy.

While you are reading our interview with Oscar HERE, take a look how the prepares for the show went:


Girl of the night, Lisa Ajax performed My Heart Wants Me Dead and fans found this song adorable. The song with ‘the best song title ever’ made it to the Final. Some of the Lisa’s fans on Twitter compared her to Beyonce, saying ‘Sveriges Beyonce is on the stage’.


SaRaha performed Kizunguzungu, song composed by Arash (Azerbaijan 2009) and Boris Rene, who performed Put Your Love On Me fill the Second Chance Round, which will take place in Halmstad at the 5th of March.

Stay tuned with ESCUnited for more Melodifestivalen news!


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