The show has now begun in Lithuania. The 2016 Eurovizija is officially open!
8 of the acts will take to the stage and perform but only 5 of them will make it through to the next round!
The 8 acts tonight are:
Alice Way “Hero”
Dovydas Petrošius “Starlight”
Behind the Moon “Did it all”
Erica Jennings ”Leading me home”
Elena Jurgaitytė “I won’t come back”
Vlad Max “Don’t wanna let it go”
Petunija “Tomorrow”
Donny Montell “I’ve been waiting for this night”
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Song 1. Alice Way “Hero”
Alice is wearing a very sophistocated / unusual outfit. The song lacks a lot and doesn’t seem like it would do well in Eurovision. It almost suits the early stages of a National Final. I don’t think this would have made the cut in many other countries. It’s very monotone and is not a great choice for Eurovision.
Comments from our forum:
AlekS – nice song but she’s got weak vocals.
I agree with the judges – there was no culmination but imo songs aren’t obliged to have some common pattern. If she couldn’t manage to perform it good this is her own problem
Gera11 – meh
Song 2. Dovydas Petrošius “Starlight”
Somehow this performance reminds me of Lithuania 2013 ‘One is called love, the other is Spain’. This is better than song 1. but This is not going to give Lithuania it’s best placing in ESC. I think this is another which could fail in the semi final. It lacks something, with a revamp and possibly a different singer this could be ok. He started off in a hat, but hear the end it disappeared
Comments from our forum:
bstream – With some vocal training, Dovydas Petrošius and “Starlight” could do decently for Lithuania. Nice uptempo beat, with fun Eurovision-y lyrics. 5.5/10 for now
AlekS – weak vocals (backing vocalist too), the song is heavily inspired by the 80’s. After first “stalight” I was afraid he would go into Madonna’s “Lucky Star”
Lietuvis – weak vocals and a template pop song. I can’t imagine him being a contender.
Song 3. Behind the Moon “Did it all”
This is something very different from Lithuania. very like Kelly Osbourne’s attempt at a singing career. Vocals are not great, but this seems like my number 1 out of the 3 songs performed today. The song isn’t awful, it’s not very Eurovision, could be something fresh, won’t win in Stockholm but wont get forgotten like the other 2
Comments from our forum:
Lietuvis – interesting song, but again pretty weak vocals.
bstream – clearly 2004/Avril Lavigne inspired and offers a poor-man’s “Since You Been Gone”. Instrumentals are very good, but this is a /song/ contest.
Gera11 – nice song but they need a stronger female vocalist.
AlekS – and still it didn’t help them to right at least decent song)) Though I saw that coming with such NF format.
The lead singer… sweety, you will never become Avril Lavigne, stop it right there
Song 4. Erica Jennings ”Leading me home”
She has come a long way from “You Got Style” in 2001. She looks more sophisticated and grown up, but I assume she would after 15 years. This is a proper church song. I can imagine this being sung in the new sister act (if they were making one). It’s a nice simple song. At times she looks like a young Niamh Kavanagh. The song is not a good song for a song contest with 43 songs. this is easily forgettable. The best song of the night so far though. Cannot fault this girl vocally at all!
Comments from our forum:
Lietuvis – Erica is performing her song almost as good (if not better) than the studio version. The first legit talent that performed today.
Gerra11 – sounds so …british for some reason, much like “Runnin’ (Lose It All)” by Naughty Boy, especially in the beginning :/ nice song & voice, though.
bstream – First ballad of the night…and it’s a gospel number of all things. Best vocals so far, but the melody and lyrics have been done thousands of times before. Very mild song throughout, but probably the best thus far.
Song 5. Elena Jurgaitytė “I won’t come back”
A very Halloween inspired performance from Elena, this could do well in Moldova Lithuania. The song isn’t great but it’s not awful. It’s very dramatic, the vocals could be worked on, but I can’t make my mind up about the song, It’s not my style of music and I cant decide whether it would do well in Euyrovision or just flop. It’s… let’s say.. different.
Comments from our forum:
Lietuvis – This Elena looks like Meryl Streep’s daughter. Vocals very meh.
Gera11 – promising song, or it was before Miss Elena destroyed it with her awful vocals. This NF is like the Moldova 2015 one all over again
AlekS – Belarusian zombies should be proud. The impact She ruined good lyrics with her vocals. The composer could write something more optimistic though.
bstream – I was confused by the performance, but the meaning and lyrics behind the song seem rather good. As for the vocals…not so much.
Song 6. Vlad Max “Don’t wanna let it go”
From what I can gather, with my very limited Lithuanian, this guy is comparing himself to Adele and Coldplay. WOW, this guy looks like he could be in Jedward, he has similar vocals to them too. The song isn’t totally awful, but the vocals leave a LOT to be desired. This would probably be left in the semi final if it went to Stockholm. This has gone straight to the bottom of my ranking for tonight so far.
Comments from our Forum:
Lietuvis – Vlad Max does his best Verka Serdiuchka meets Pet Shop Boys impression.
AlekS – “Adele, Coldplay…”, he’s SO delusional)) omg he’s so bad that I can’t even laugh.
Gera11 – Vlad Max? More like Min vocal abilities, amirite? Lithuania, if you want a joke entry, this is the right one Damn, it’s pretty catchy.
bstream – Give this a Moldova-esque stage performance and we’ll be talking an ironic/unironic top 15 placing
Song 7. Petunija “Tomorrow”
Welcome to Eesti Laul! This could be in an Estonian NF, or the Latvian Supernova last year. Its one of those electro pop type songs. Not my cup of tea at all, but, some people will LOVE this. Its very different and will probably do rather well if it went to Stockholm.. well that is until the backing singers stop taking control of the song. This girl has some crazy vocals. I cannot decide what language this song is in, its the Georgian warrior all over again. Like I said some people will love this, just not me. Reminds me a bit of that MNTHA from Supernova 2015.
Comments from our forum:
Lietuvis – Harry Potter’s aunt with her best Aminata impression.
AlekS – another good song screwed by weak live vocals. Showing kween Aminata before her performance made it worse.
Gera11 – Best song by far! I even forgot I was watching an Eurovision NF for a second; this can even get a nice result in Stockholm, in my opinion
bstream – Not sure whether I like it or not. It’s definitely interesting musically, and the vocals are shaky but manageable. The performance itself is stagnant. Would need some work if it moves forward.
Song 8. Donny Montell “I’ve been waiting for this night”
Its the boy I’ve been waiting for.. Not sure why he is putting himself through another Eurovizijos.. but hey.. here he goes.. They have well and truely saved the best til last. The song starts off so well and continues the same way. I am so happy he is in this show, he has shot to the top of my ranking from tonight! I can see this doing well in Stockholm! He has the whole package, vocals, look, song.. This could become my favourite Lithuanian entry in ESC. Lithuania could be a contender!!!
Comments from our forum:
bstream – One of Lithuania’s best young acts. This entry speaks for itself and is miles ahead of the entire line-up, almost sounds like an interval act instead of a competitor.
Uvaro – donny and petunija with the best songs of the night, for me.
AlekS – Why is he sitting down all the time
Other than that – his vocals don’t suck like then and this song deserves to win the NF & qualify to the ESC final.
Gera11 – they saved the best songs for the end, eh? the song itself is pretty nice, but I don’t think it might qualify in Stockholm