With the exception of the Big 5 and host, the individual rehearsals have come to an end. Today is quite an important day for the participants of the first Semi Final. Around 15:00 the first full dress rehearsal will take place where all acts get to basically rehearse one last time. Then at 12:00 the 2nd Dress Rehearsal will take place and while this sounds fun and no pressure there is one little twist: The juries will be watching the show and cast their votes accordingly based on tonight’s performance.

So if you did your Math right you probably realized that 50% of the results for tomorrow’s show will be decided tonight. That means everybody has to bring their A game and ESC United will be reporting live from the Press Center where we’ll get to see the jury show. We will also attend the first Dress Rehearsal in the arena and will keep you up to date with everything that’s happening.

Please check back soon as we’ll continue to update this thread as often as possible. In addition, we are on Twitter Nonstop to provide you with our updates. Make sure to follow us HERE. We also have a Twitter Feed on our Homepage so in case you don’t have a Twitter account you can check there for constant update.




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