EUROVIZIJA.LT, Lithuania’s national selection for Malmö, is two songs closer to the finish line as the fourth of five heats was broadcast today. The link to the full show is here, but viewers in certain countries may need to wait until the show is re-broadcast later in the day to access the stream.

The eight performers featured were:

  1. Agnė Buškevičiūtė – Puppeteer
  2. Il Senso – Time
  3. Kasparas – Fool
  4. Monika Marija – Unlove You Starting Tomorrow
  5. Vilija – Save me
  6. Danielė – Cold Shower
  7. Martin – Jigsaw
  8. Hansanova – Dragons and Rainbows

Donations to the Radarom charity were again encouraged this week. The charity provides radar equipment to Ukraine.

This week’s jury featured singer Giedrė Kilčiauskienė who sang the smoky Aš Normaliai and Žemė Slydo Po Kojom during the voting.

Il Senso and their symphonic epic Time won the top spot placing first with the public and second with the jury. Monika Marija’s breakup ballad Unlove you starting tomorrow secured the other spot in the national grand final as the jury’s top pick and the public’s third. Kasparas narrowly missed out on progressing to the final as the public’s runner up, and the jury’s third place.

Both groups will perform their songs at the national grand final on February 17th.

Despite the disappointment of not making it to the national grand final, all contenders should be proud this week of putting on what might be the most entertaining heat so far! If all else fails, the singer Martin is at least wearing the right outfit:

Lithuanian semi-finalist Martin performing “Jigsaw” during the fourth EUROVIZIJA.LT heat

Two more weeks of EUROVIZIJA.LT are ahead with the final heat airing Saturday February 10th. Disco stars of 2021, The Roop, will enter the arena with their song Simple Joy – but will they secure a spot at the grand final on February 17th? Tune in next week.

How are #YOU enjoying EUROVIZIJA.LT? Let us know on our forum site HERE, or on FacebookTwitterInstagramYoutubeTikTok and Discord.

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