Poland has decided! Just a few minutes ago, it was announced that Laura Bączkiewicz has won Szansa na Sukces and will fly the Polish flag at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in Yerevan, Armenia with her song “To The Moon.” Check out her winning performance in the video below.

The Grand Final of the Polish national final was held today in tudio 5 in TVP Studios in Warsaw. After three weeks of selection rounds, the following 4 acts were still in the running to represent Poland at JESC:

  • Natalia Smore
  • Laura Baczkiewicz
  • Alexander Malag
  • Ida Wargskog

The show existed out 2 rounds: In the first round, the finalists sung a cover of a song. After they all performed, voting opened to select which 2 acts would qualify for the Super Final. The qualifiers were chosen by a combination of jury and public voting. After voting closed, it was announced that Laura and Alexander qualified for the Super Final.

In the second round, both finalists performed the song they would represent Poland with at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. After the performance, the voting was opened again. The winner would be decided by 50% televote and 50% jury points. The full results were as follows:

  1. Laura Bączkiewicz – “To the Moon” (10 jury + 10 televote) 20 points
  2. Alexander Maląg – “On My Way”  (8 jury + 8 televote) 16 points

In the end, Laura won both the Jury and Televote and earn the right to represent the country at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2022. We will see her on the Junior Eurovision stage on Sunday 11 December in Yerevan, Armenia.

Poland in Junior Eurovision

Poland was one of the originals and participated in the first ever Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2o03. However, after 2004, the country decided to withdraw from the contest. They came back in 2016 stronger than ever, with even winning the contest back-to-back in 2018 (Roksana Węgiel) and 2019 (Viki Gabor). Last year, Sara James came close bringing the trophy back to Poland, finishing with her song “Somebody” 2nd place with 218 points.

What do #YOU think of Laura’s song ? Share your thoughts with us on our forum HERE or join the discussion below in the comments and on social media!

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