It is a Junior Eurovision Song Contest tradition to have a theme song, and today this year’s theme song has been revealed.
The song is performed by 1/3 of the act who represented Bulgaria in the 2014 Junior Eurovision, Krisia Todorova. The song was written by a mix of Maltese and Bulgarian writers, Matt Muxu, Gordon Bonello, Evgeni Dimitrov and Vasko Ivanov-Dexter, The song is entitled “Discover” and is also the slogan for this year’s contest.
Krisia Todorova “Discover”
The 2015 Junior Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on the 21st of November.
Höstnytt 2015: vecka 40 - ESC-Panelen
September 28, 2015 at 14:03
[…] för årets Junior Eurovision Song Contest är #Discover och nu har även den officiella temalåten släppts. Låten, som också heter #Discover, är skriven av Matt Muxu, Gordon Bonello, Evgeni Dimitrov och […]
Petar Mihaljević
September 27, 2015 at 14:42
Croatia is only smart who doesnt won t participate along cyprus