kasey smith

Today the Irish broadcaster RTÉ has announced the rules of their national preselection for 2015. Unlike in previous years, music industry professionals who act as mentors won’t be involved – instead the Eurosong selection will be completely open.

Michael Kealy, Executive Producer of the RTÉ entertainment programme, is motivated to find a suitable representative for Ireland in Vienna next year:

Ireland has a track record at Eurovision which is second to none but finding a song and an artist who can perform at the biggest entertainment show in the world is not an easy task. This year we have decided to have an open selection process for Eurosong 2015 and we want to hear from the very best songwriters and performers who believe they have what it takes to compete at the highest level in Vienna next May.

Songs can only be submitted via CD or USB stick. Soundcloud and Bandcamp links won’t be accepted. The artists entering a song are also asked to submit a rough staging concept for the show. Irish citizenships (or permanent visas) are required for each performer and songwriter.

RTÉ accepts submissions until 31 October at 5pm. Afterwards, a panel will be responsible for internally picking a certain number of acts to compete for the Irish ticket to Eurovision 2015.

Who do you want to compete for Ireland next year? Join the discussion on the forum or let us know in the comments below!

Source: RTÉ • Picture courtesy: Sander Hesterman (EBU)

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