Rehearsal time is quickly approaching and ESC United will of course be in Vienna to keep you updated about all the happenings over there. There will be rehearsal reports, videos, interviews, vlogs and many other things. This year we want you to get to know our team beforehand – today we are presenting our second team member – Madeleine.


Name: Madeleine
Nickname: Maddie (English) Madde (Swedish)

Country: Sweden
Profession: Studying Event Management
Languages: Swedish, English, some phrases in German and Spanish

Three things you dislike: Wine, coffee, coca-cola (for some reason I could only think of drinks at the moment…)
Three things you like: Horse riding, photography, youtube
Favourite movie: Pride & Prejudice

Favourite food: Exotic plank
Favourite drink:
Fanta exotic/pina colada

First Eurovision memory: Eurovision 2002, Marie N undressing and my sister sitting laughing out loud wondering how it could win.
Favourite Eurovision song: Oldschool: Romania 2006 (Mihai Traistariu – Tornero) & United Kingdom 2006 (Daz Sampson – Teenage Life) New: Sweden 2012 (Loreen – Euphoria)

Eurovisions visited: Malmö 2013 (volunteer) Copenhagen 2014 (ESC United)

Eurovision 2015 expectations: To eat a really good wienerschitzel and just have a lot of fun!
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: Lithuania, Israel, Norway

Other you would like to say: Really excited to be apart of the ESC United team once again!

Would you like to join in on our “Get To Know Me Tag“? Just copy the sample, fill in your own answers and post them here. If you have any other questions about the team and how things will work in Vienna  you can also ask those in the same thread. 

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