Rehearsal time is quickly approaching and ESC United will of course be in Vienna to keep you updated about all the happenings over there. There will be rehearsal reports, videos, interviews, vlogs and many other things. This year we want you to get to know our team beforehand – today it’s time for our forth member – Ahmet.


Name: Ahmet Koncak
Nickname: Actually, I don’t use nickname

Country: Turkey
Profession: Research Assistant (Econometrics)
Languages: Turkish, English (and i hope one day perfect German!)

Three fears: After last year i have a new fear; “Can’t go to Eurovision next year.”
Three things you dislike: low battery (PC, MP3 Player or Mobile), wait for sb/sth, smoke
Three things you like: cats, travelling

Favourite movie: “A Beatiful Mind”
Favourite food: more sweet things like cookies, cakes
Favourite drink: Cherry Juice and tea

First Eurovision memory: I watched my first Eurovision with my father (He has watched since 1973) and i never forget his shouts when Slovenia’s “10 points go to Turkey” announce.
Favourite Eurovision song: still “Cheesecake” (Belarus, 2014)
Eurovisions visited: 2014

Eurovision 2015 expectations: More funny moments in Euro-Club
Eurovision 2015 favourite entry: Australia, Norway

Other you would like to say: Let the Show begin!

Would you like to join in on our “Get To Know Me Tag“? Just copy the sample, fill in your own answers and post them here. If you have any other questions about the team and how things will work in Vienna  you can also ask those in the same thread. 

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