The German Broadcaster, ARD together with Das Erste are preparing for the upcoming Unser Song which is scheduled for 9th February. ARD announced that 5 singer will sing the 2 same songs and eventually the public at home will vote for the favourite artist and song. Today Yosefin Buohler has spoken to us about her upcoming participation in Unser Song.

Hello Yosefin

First of all thank you for your time talking to us. How are you ? Can you introduce yourselves ? What can you tell us about yourself?

Hello! My name is Yosefin. I am a 21 year old, half Swedish half German girl, born and raised in Germany, and currently living in Stockholm where I study theatre. Music has been my life since I can remember and it’s a challenge to get me to be quiet and not sing all day long.

 What can you tell us about the 2 songs that you will be singing? Is one of them your style?

 I love both songs! I think they absolutely have a chance of doing well in this years’ Eurovision. They are catchy and “sing-along-able”. Both are my style 🙂

 What is your impression of the Eurovision Song Contest in general? Do you watch it every year? What is your favourite entry?

The Eurovision Song Contest has always played a big part in my life. I have been watching it since my birth! I am what you could call a “super fan”. I know most dates and winning entries and have probably watched all the videos there are to watch! I have multiple favorite entries since it is impossible to choose one but my top 5 are: “Waterloo” by ABBA, “Wadde hadde dude da” by Stefan Raab, “Fairytale” by Alexander Rybak, “Euphoria” by Loreen and “Satellite” of course!

 Whom is your personal musical stars that follow a lot and why?

My idol is Robyn. She is amazing on stage and just lets go and has the time of her life. I love her positive aura she radiates. For me she is an inspiring example.

What is your biggest success so far for you?

My biggest success is probably what I am doing now! Performing at the Eurovision has been my biggest dream since I can remember!

 What’s the one thing that might surprise people about you?

I am obsessed with Rammstein (haha). I am a huge metal head.

 Where do we find you on a Sunday afternoon?

Hanging out with my friends at the water or in town.

 What is the best bit of advice you have ever been given?

A lyric by Frank Zappa: “Never eat the yellow snow”

 If your life was a song title, what would it be?

 “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire

What is a typical day like for you?

I wake up at around 9, eat a good breakfast consisting of coffee and coffee, do all the grown up stuff like food shopping and paying bills, look for acting jobs, eat lunch, meet friends, sing, go to the gym, eat dinner, watch TV or listen to an audiobook of Harry Potter while I attempt to knit and then I go to bed!


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