la zarra france

A month ago, France revealed La Zarra as its representative for the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 in Liverpool. And yesterday, they announced when the song will finally be released.

During Les Victoires de la Musique 2023, a French music award show, La Zarra appeared on stage. And while many expected the singer to reveal her Eurovision song live, she just gave the award for Best Original Song. Nevertheless, she didn’t just come to give an award and actually revealed a very important information regarding Eurovision.

La Zarra will release her song for the Eurovision Song Contest on Sunday February 19. In a bit more than a week, we will get to listen to the song she will represent France with in Liverpool on May.

la zarra 19 february8 days to go!

After spending long hours in the recording studio, the team finally finished recording the song, adding the final touches and the music is now ready for Eurovision, as we may have seen in the delegation’s few posts and stories, and mostly on La Zarra’s Instagram stories.

And according to those Instagram stories, some fans have seen the name “Evidemment” on screen while La Zarra was in the studio. There are high chances that the song will be called Evidemment, but nothing official has been confirmed yet.

As a reminder, La Zarra is a Canadian-Moroccan singer who released an album called Traîtrise in 2021. She’s signed with Indifference Prod and has two hit songs: “Tu t’en iras” (2021) and “Sans moi” (2022). She also recently collaborated with Slimane, very famous French singer, on his album Chroniques d’un Cupidon on the song “Les amants de la colline” (2022).

From what we know so far, her Eurovision song will be in French and will feature different genres, with a hint of modernity. We should also expect a mysterious and surprising vibe from the song.

What are #YOU expecting from La Zarra’s Eurovision song? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!


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