Well-known member
7.10.2021 ⊲ Start sending entries ⊳ 18.00.CET
13.10 ☼ Celebration of the 50th entry of NBS in NSC! ☼ 13.10
14.10 ⊲ Registration of guests, confirmation of entries ⊳ 23.59
15.10 ⊲ Opening of the Oktober Fest, live broadcast ⊳ 21.30
21.10 ☼ Празднование Дня Рождения Хорька! ☼ 9.00
22.10 ⊲ The last day of voting for best songs ⊳ 23.59
24.10 ⊲ The end of the Oktober Fest, summing up ⊳ 21.30
Sween, Låpøtré, Bagrovor, Utopolis, West Ink.,
Öösingimäed, Effiland, Griffin Empire, Akatsuki, Rehi Kaita,
Joseyeon, Endórë, Gringotts and... Mormadorei!
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