I'm having an Eurovision party with a barbecue, videogames, board games (and, of course, Eurovision). We're going to be around 10-15 people, maybe more depending on last-minute R.S.V.P.'s. I can't guarantee you that it's gonna be fun for you, but we're a young (ages range between 15 and 27), lively and fun bunch entirely devoid of serial killers. If you feel like meeting new people, maybe we could get to know each other a bit see if we're a fit and you could join.
It's entirely free, unless you want to eat with us and if you do, you only pay for what you eat and at purchase price for the ingredients. You'll have to endure our cheering on Sweden though, since for the first time in years, we've got a likely winner that we (as in I and my friends) are proud of and which we like.