I'm afraid Portugal will go all stripped-down show to make some sort of point about "artistry", which may work for some songs, but not if you want a cool show and musical diversity, but we'll see...
Otherwise it's hard to miss 2017 which was, atleast musically entry-wise, one of the worst ESC years in modern ESC history. Let's hope next year will have better entries.
I will miss the size of the led-screen
Meo arena with the stage of 2016 in it:
This photo is supposed to be real scale which means that the stage will probably not have an led-screen as wide as the one in ukraine and the stage will be more like the ones in 2013 or 2016
They also already said that that they want to make the contest "simple and elegant" which could imnpact the size of the stage
political bitching leading up to the Contest :3