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September 2013 Spin Off Poll


  • Time Spin-Off

    4 33.3%
  • Countries Spin-Off

    7 58.3%
  • Seasons Spin-Off

    5 41.7%
  • Paradise Spin-Off

    6 50.0%
  • Songs from the year your father was born

    3 25.0%
  • Songs from now defunct countries

    2 16.7%
  • Schlager Spin-off

    2 16.7%
  • Overplayed Spin Off

    1 8.3%
  • Movie Soundtrack Spin Off

    8 66.7%
  • RIP Spin Off

    9 75.0%
  • Most underrated song in FSC

    0 0.0%
  • Most overrated song in FSC

    0 0.0%
  • patriotic songs

    1 8.3%
  • songs from musicals

    1 8.3%
  • Female singer spin off

    3 25.0%
  • Male singer spin off

    2 16.7%
  • Betrayal spin off

    5 41.7%
  • Week day spin off

    5 41.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active member
December 29, 2010
Time Spin-Off (songs that speak about periods of time - in the title)
Countries Spin-Off (songs that have the name of a country in the title)
Seasons Spin-Off (songs that have a year's season in the title)
Paradise Spin-Off (songs that have the word paradise in the title - in any language)
Overplayed Spin Off ( Songs which are so overplayed that you almost started to hate them)
Most underrated song in FSC (it cannot be from the country you represent).
Most overrated song in FSC (again, it cannot be from the country you represent)
Betrayal spin off ( song about betrayal)
Week day spin off (a day in the title)


Well-known member
March 1, 2010
RIP Spin-off !! I am very sure who I'm going to send ;)


Well-known member
May 31, 2011
I do encourage the others, though, not to rush and get the countries people wanted to reserve. ;)

On the other hand, expressing one's wish right away would tantamount to a quasi reservation as those that kept quiet may give up on their favoured choice in order not to 'take something from someone'. Everybody is entitled to write what they want to, however, that is why I would not mind to choose a country that hath been mentioned here before in case I was first in the confirmation thread. No need to hesitate or feel bad about it then.


Well-known member
March 8, 2011
yes, well, considering i'm at work till 4 pm (then lunch etc) i really can't watch out all day long for opening of confirmation thread :mrgreen:
i reserved cause i had the oportunity, given the circumstances, it would be questionable if i would make it once confirmation thread opens at god knows what time of the day :mrgreen:

confirmation threads often open days after the poll is over, in some random time and like i said, i can't be here every hour and a half to check what is going on (also, there r ppl who are on college, in school etc)
many times in spin off history reservation started right after poll was closed and it was clear which theme won. those reservation were always counted.
what does it matter in which thread we reserve it anyway? besides, that thread is called "confirmation thread", not "reservation thread" :mrgreen:

having all this in mind, i encourage fsc mods to clear the situation with spin off reservations once and for all :mrgreen:


Active member
May 12, 2011
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
I totally agree that a set date should be set for the opening of a confirmation thread~
Either it be opened straight after the closing of the poll....OR
The results of the poll should NOT be revealed until the confirmation thread is opened~~

For me I would Vote for straight after the deadline of the poll :D
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