my point is that portuguese fans sometimes aren't just "we suck this year oh well!", they are "WE SUCK EUROPE WE BEG YOU TO HUMILIATE US AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE", which is basically what they did to suzy. and she was 7th in the televote which for current portugal standards is the same as being carried in a gilded chariot by the citizens of europe as the newly elected queen of the continent, so i'd say she was loved!
as a counterpoint, eduard romanyuta doesn't really fit the traditional meaning of "talented", isn't even moldovan and just veruca salt'd his way to the eurovision golden ticket, complete with accusations of vote rigging and even then you didn't see moldova burning him at the stake begging europe to not give them points. can you imagine if someone pulled this shit in portugal? the eurofans there would have cut the country out of the damn continent bugs bunny-style to force themselves to not compete. that's not the message you want to send to your delegation.
this david guy isn't really very special at all and his songs are very generic, but sometimes people like generic and maybe a rich boy like him can go after better composers by himself, be they domestic or international - kinda like alexey vorobyov bringing redone in (and sucking because it was 2011, The Year Of Suck, but still). but even that isn't necessary because any country has talent if they just look for it. if iceland, that has a population of approximately 4 fishing villages and a polar bear, has a rich and deep musical scene, portugal has no excuses. people just aren't looking for it - neither rtp nor the fans. y'all just conformed to the idea that "our music sucks" and that is super sad.