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Montenegro MONTENEGRO 2025 - Nina Žižić - Dobrodošli

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Ana Raquel

OM Mod
Staff member
March 3, 2018
Baryak and Isak are my faves on the first listen xcheer


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
Welp, the Eurovision estivation is over for this guy. Sorry for the others on this board.

Well, this selection was... okay? I expected to be bored - it was decent FiK filler instead. Nothing really jumps out at me as "THEY MUST PICK THIS", but conversely nothing stands out as something they ought to avoid.

Well, okay, "Stop War" is BAD, but there's a non-zero chance that becomes laugh out loud funny with the live ( xheart ) and until i've seen a lyrics sheet that confirms Clickbait as an Alabama Watchdog (it rhymes "clickbait" with "no hate" and "gay or straight"... also a non-zero chance for a laugh out loud live tbh xheart ) I'm giving them them the benefit of the doubt.

Baryak's song is the most interesting one, but a few others were sort of viable for ESC, including Nina Zizic's ballad, so there is that.


Well-known member
April 5, 2010
01. Nina Žižić – Dobrodošli 10/10
02. Baryak – Dva srca 8/10
03. Bend 9 – Stop war 6/10
04. Anastasija Koprolčec – Kraj 6/10
05. Tamara Živković – Poguban let 6/10
06. Glumci Bend – San 5/10
07. Isak Šabanović – Ljeto, ljeto, ljeto 5/10
08. NeonoeN – Clickbait 4/10
09. Nemanja Petrović – Među zvijezdama 4/10
10. Đurđa – To ljubav je 3/10
11. Verica Čuljković – Čuješ li 3/10
12. Dolce Hera – Repeat 3/10
13. Kejt – Obala raja 2/10
14. Milena Vučić – Škorpija 2/10
15. Luka Radović – Kada dođe maj 2/10
16. Tina Džankić – Nova 0/10

I knew this will would be a weak NF, but i hoped for at least one good Song and they gave me two. Nina's Song is absolutely a amazing Balkan ballad, i love it. Baryak has a good rock song, i like it and it stand out. Both Song could do very well, i hope one of them wins.


December 23, 2018
What a solid way to officially kick of the new NF season!

Personally, I thought that "Montesong" would be mediocre at best but most entries are quite decent.
A couple of entries are superior to what Montenegro usually submit to Eurovision, imo (their run from 2013 to 2015 was flawless, though!).

The more uptempo songs sound a bit old-fashioned or dated but they'll have like 3 more months to work on the arrangement after winning "Montesong" and therefore, I don't think it's a huge flaw for now.
Baryak's "Dva Srca" - what a gloomy atmosphere. This is totally my cup of tea - they wouldn't qualify with it, for sure but what a lovely surprise!

The ballads are beautifully arranged and I can see Montenegro qualify with a few of them.
"Dobrodošli"'s arrangement in the second part of the song is stunning and totally mesmerising - if it wins, they need to get a real orchestra to make it more dynamic, though. Since it's Eurovision, I wouldn't mind the middle 8 instrumental part to be even more dramatic.

My favourite entries so far:

Nina Žižić - Dobrodošli 9/10
Baryak - Dva Srca 9/10
Anastasija Koprolčec - Kraj 8/10
Nemanja Petrović - Među zvijezdama 7/10
Tamara Živković - Poguban let 7/10
Verica Čuljković - Čuješ li 6/10
Đurđa - To ljubav je 5/10
Isak Šabanović - Ljeto, ljeto, ljeto 5/10

It's really a pretty solid line-up.

Good luck, :me: It's great to have you back!



September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany
Well, I´m personally a bit more sceptical than my colleague @Mainshow above me. It´s of course good to see that :me: wants to host such a big NF with the limited budget they have. But sadly the lineup doesn´t really impress me. :(

The rock songs are all not my cup of tea, they all have these cheap "garage band sound" that reminds me of :bg: 2022. The ballads are much better but a bit too similar for me, with most of them you could make mashups without noticing they´re different songs.

My personal favourites here are the ones that are different enough soundwise from the rest:

  • Anastasija Koprolčec – Kraj
  • Verica Čuljković – Čuješ li
  • Milena Vučić - Škorpija
All in all I think it´ll be very difficult for the country to reach the final since in the past they had big difficulties to get points from outside of former :yu:, and I don´t think these songs are suited for that. xthink


February 28, 2018
The section is okay ... I have personally two big favorites:

Nina Žižić – Dobrodošli
Baryak – Dva srca

I hope that one of the two will make it to Basel, but then again I will better wait to see how they all sound live. I hope that Nina can do justice because she sounds amazing and the song gives me chills. Baryak is a fantastic unique rock song!

There are some other "nice" songs, but they won't stand out in Basel, I think. But I am looking forward to our first NF this season! :love:

Bobjan FR

Well-known member
December 11, 2021
It's ok, looks like a semi final of PZE, a bit weaker maybe.... But way better than when I listened to montevizija years ago

I prefered Ljeto Ljeto Ljeto, Poguban let & dobrodosli

At least, Montenegro is trying to do a real return, like Luxembourg last year. Will they manage to do it, we'll see


Worldvision Mod ❄️
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
I won't talk about the competitiveness of these songs, because to be honest I don't care. We're in November, I'm just here to listen to a bunch of new songs from a country I rarely listen music from and am just curious about what they have to offer.

I actually like this selection? It's not really diverse, but I didn't skip mid-way many of them. My favorites in a somewhat-order:

KEJT - Obala raja: my favorite of the bunch, I always love this type of build-up with a high-pitched female voice. The addition of the violin could be considered cheap but, eh, it works.
Luka Radović - Kada dođe maj: quite catchy too.
Anastasija Koprolčec - Kraj
Isak Šabanović - Ljeto, ljeto, ljeto
: the chorus stays in your head whether you like it or not.

Despite my love for the genre, rock-leaning entries in ESC never impress me much somehow. Same case here with Dva Srca, they kept their guitars for the 'chorus' but the verses would have benefited from having them too. I wouldn't mind it if it was their entry, but it definitely can't be considered a favorite of mine.


February 1, 2014
Ok, finally I got the time for a first listen. What can I say... Podgorica 2025 is not going to happen. But I celebrate the return of some solid balkan ballads, a genre that I missed the last couple of years. So, here's my first impression,

Tamara Zivkovic - Poguban let

Anastasia Koprolcec - Kraj
Luka Radovic - Kada dode maj
Nina Zizic - Dobrodosli

Nemanja Petrovic - Medu zvijezdama

The rest is too boring to really think about points and then here is the bunch of wanna-be-rockers who all basically sound like some garage schoolboy bands and just annoy me. Couldn't listen to them for longer than 45 seconds and don't even care enough to remember their names or song titles.


August 25, 2024
Beograd, Srbija
Baryak - "Dva Srca" definitely sticks out as the one that has the potential to Q.

Nina Žižić - "Dobrodošli" is very dramatic, but it doesn't hook you from the start and takes too long to build to something interesting.

Also, I think that sound is overdone from Balkans and that we (in this case Montenegro) should try something more "current" so to speak.


Well-known member
October 5, 2009
To be honest there's nothing here really driving me wild.

I think they might have a hard time making it out of the semi (though I guess it's a bit early since we know no other songs) but they may be able to do it with Baryak or Nina if they're presented well.

I have a soft spot for "Nova" though tbh, it kind of feels like a track you'd hear in the background in a Persona game.


Staff member
March 2, 2013
A decent line up I think...

Nina Žižić seems to be the favorite, and I like her song.
But my personal favorite is Đurđa :D
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