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Latvia LATVIA 2025 - Tautumeitas - Bur man laimi

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Well-known member
April 24, 2015
My first full review of the year! xyaayAll in all this is by far the strongest :lv: NF in recent years!

The Ludvig - Līgo 9/10 Wow, biggest positive surprise in this selection, the snippet already sounded promising but the full song is even better. Very unique, great beat and vibe, hery haunting. The ending part where the beat is getting faster and stornger is awesome. All in all it's giving me a bit :ua: 2021 vibes. His voice is also very unique, but I think I like it! I also enjoyed his first Supernova attempt back in 2017.
KoBra - Zelts 8/10 Another big positive surprise. Very comforting, but also a bit haunting vibe - does that make any sense haha? The song is showing the whole beauty of the :lv: language, I love it. It feels like The "Kur?" of this year.
Justs - Fit Right 7,5/10 They did him dirty with the snippet, didn't they? Haha this Youtube comment sums it up: "They really tried to sabotage this man with the snippet… Oh when i catch you Supernova intern" Well what should I say, I love Justs, as a bi guy I wanna be friends with him and also do more... So I guess I'm a little biased because he's hot. About the song: I have a mixed opinion: It's good, the changes between the 80s synth/ and the "I am supposed to fit right" part is very forced though. The song feels like Icebreaker 2.0 somehow, two songs merged into one. And the 80s synth sytle feels very 2020-222, is it still that current? I don't know...
Grēta - Monster 7,5/10 Very nice pop song, I like it!
Emilija - Heartbeat 6,5/10 It's a cute song with a nice vibe but the chorus is too annoying/ repetitive.
Citi Zēni - 6,5/10 Oh I didn't expect this to be in Latvian haha. I think like the verses more than the beat chorus. The song progression at the end is nice. All in all it's a good effort but I guess I wouldn't choose them this year.
Bel Tempo x Legzdina - The Water 6/10 Also a cute song with a relaxing vibe. But I think it's not competitive enough for Eurovision.
Tepat - Sadzejot 6/10 I feel like I should like this song more but for now I somehow find it a little bit annoying, idk... At the end the song get's very messy and chotic with the instrumentation in my opinion.
LUKA - Stronger 6/10 Not bad, but quite generic. Very scandi pop somehow.
Sinerģija - Bound by the Light 6/10 It's a style that has been used many times before,the song is okay but I'm no big fan. And it's very repetitive.
Julianna - Something In The Water 6/10 Unfortunately the song stays quite flat and boring, there's no progression.
Marta - Loveable 5,5/10 Generic.
Markus Riva - Bigger Than This 5/10 I guess it's the strongest Markus Riva effort yet but I'm still no fan. I'm honest, especially his English pronunciation is still very off-putting for me.
Tautumeitas - Bur man laimi 5/10 I'm not into it, don't really like this typ of song and singing.
Adelina - Electric Love 4,5/10 Also quite generic and not my cup of tea.
Toms Kalderauskis - Domāju, tu nāc 4/10 Decent ballad in Latvian, but no wow effect.
Rūta Dūduma - Chemical 3/10 Generic and annoying. I don't like how this suddently turns into a bad drum D'n'B song at the end.
Chris Noah - Romance Isn't Dead 2/10 I'm no rock person, especially with classic rock, so it's a no from me. Rock songs need to be very good/ unique to catch my attention.
Palú - Delusional 2/10 Also a no from me.
Katrina Gupalo - Scarlett Challenger 2/10 Very annoying song, don't like this at all.



November 12, 2024
I have listened to each song twice. I like Tautumeitas- Bur Man Liami & The Ludvig- Ligo. Both could do really well at eurovision, depending on the staging. My Top 20 would be:

1. The Ludvig- Ligo
2. Tautumeitas- Bur Man Liami
3. Greta- Monster
4. Markus Riva- Bigger Than This
5. Angelina - Electric Love
6. Luka- Stronger
7. Justs- Fit Right
8. Katrina Gulapo- Scarlett Challenger
9. Emilia - Heartbeat
10. Citi Zena- Ramtai
11. Thomas Kalderauskis- Domaju, Tu Nac
12. Tepat- Sadzejot
13. Palu- Delusional
14. Marta - Lovable
15. Kobra- Zelts
16. Julianna- Something In The Water
17. Chris Noah- Romance isn't Dead
18. Bel Tempo x Legzdina- The Water
19. Senergia- Bound by The Light
20. Ruta Duduma- Chemical


August 10, 2020
1. Tautumeitas - Bur Man Laimi

2. Palu - Delusional
3. Sinergija - Bound By The Light
4. Citi Zeni - Ramtai

5. Luka - Stronger
6. Greta - Monster
7. Toms Kalderauskis - Domaju tu nac

8. Emilija - Heartbeat
9. The Ludvig - Ligo

10. KoBra - Zelts
11. Chris Noah - Romance Isn't Dead
12. Bel Tempo x Legzdina - Like Water
13. Ruta Duduma - Chemical
14. Tepat - Sadzejot
15. Katrina Gupalo - Scarlett Challenger

16. Julainna - Something in the water
17. Adelina - Electric Love

18. Justs - Fit Right
19. Markus Riva - Bigger Than This
20. Marta - Lovable


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
k liveblogging this, first impressions incoming:

adelina - electric love - house song with 80s synth instrumentation and asmik shiroyan vocals. my brain tells me it will be a disaster live, but my heart can get behind the studio version .

bel tempo & legzdina - the water - a trippy, classy indie track. It's good. lacks a truly Big Moment, but it's more of a Cool Vibe rly.

chris noah - romance isn't dead - decent indie rock track. it's on the same level as chris noah's other compositions (stay and let me think about me), but both of those tracks were elevated by great live performers.

citi zeni - ramtai - the chorus is all beat and no words. david's gonna orgasm when he hears this. i enjoy the silliness at the moment, which i'm grateful for since eat your salad was fully carried by the "eat p*ssy" line.

emilija - heartbeat - emilija needs a new calendar. dmgp isn't until february. 🤷

greta - monster - hooray, another white woman menace acting like she's The Head Bitch In Charge. ❤️ (highly complimentary) (there's also no chance this is good live)

julliana - something in the water - aetherial synthpop by a weirdo indie girl. great stuff. this entry is me. anyone who hates on this is AN ENEMY.

justs - fit right - FINALLY we're getting the blinding nights knock-offs. it took them long enough!!!! this one is extremely amateur and lowbudget tho - legally distinct synth beat into lametastic slow motion chorus. there's a non-zero chance whoever composed fit right was drunking/coking their way through After Hours when they did it. ❤️

katrine gupalo - scarlett challenger - still the usual katrine gupalo unhinged nonsense (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) but in a weirdly competent and trippy package. it's great! haters get a SENSE OF HUMOUR challenge.

kobra - zelts - the spiritual successor to kur?, but a more well-rounded song. this is good. it get a lot better live depending on their chemistry.

luka - stronger - you LOOK at a young woman barely clutching a bouquet of flowers and you hear her open with "SILENCE. MY HEAD IS A WARZONE. FROM THE BULLETS YOU SHOT IN ME" to a sentimental guitar tone and your finger hovers over the "toxic weakling ballad" button, but then she pivots into cerebral softmetal unloading all the feels and all is forgiven.

markus riva - bigger than this - what is truly sad about this is that bigger than this is vastly above the average markus riva attempt (for the uptempo nothing that it is, anyway) but still is near the bottom of my ranking. oops.

marta - lovable - omg is this CHOICES marta? she has neither voice nor energy ❤️ there's no way she'll be able to carry lovable since she could barely carry choices. I enjoy the song though, even if i cannot afford to get emotionally attached to it.

palú - delusional -
starts off as a wine mom song with wine mom delivery. then it gets progressively unhinged with no warning? The second verse with the accelerated key chance and the ACTUAL CUCKOO CLOCK soundbyte. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

ruta duduma - chemical - trippy indie love song that suddenly pivots into an uptempo end? sign me up. i need more plays to fully form an opinion though.

singergija - bound by the light - every madara moment is a blessing.

tautumeitas - bur man laimi - i really like this, but it runs into similar issues vesna had - it's six women singing over each other, competing for attention. they need to become *one unit* first.

tepas - sadjezot

the ludvig - ligo - wait wait we're actually incorporating an ethnic folkloric dance into a contemporary edm track?!!!! and it's a banger?! are we in UKRAINE?!!!! OMGGOGOFOSOFodqskgfsdjbngdsnxf gjdsf

toms kalderauskis - domaju, tu nac - all of toms's previous attempts were lame knock-offs from better radio hits, so i can fundamentally appreciate the idea of an earnest slow ballad for compensation. doesn't take away i would be so pissed off if it win supernova in this field. but i BET it made looren cry :-)

so um yeah, is this latvia? this was a very enjoyable supernova, one of their best so far. The Ludwig have to win, but i would calmly accept Julianna, Greta, KoBra, Tepas, Tautimeitas and yes even with Citi Zeni (lol). GOOD selection. :-)


Well-known member
October 5, 2009
Ranking based on my first impressions:

01. Tepat - Sadzejot
02. KoBra - Zelts
03. Katrina Gupalo - Scarlett Challenger
04. Tautumeitas - Bur Man Laimi
05. The Ludvig - Ligo
06. Palu - Delusional
07. Bel Tempo X LEGZDINA - The Water
08. Greta - Monster
09. Justs - Fit Right
10. Citi Zeni - Ramtai
11. Julianna - Something In The Water
12. Sinergija - Bound By The Light
13. Emilija - Heartbeat
14. Chris Noah - Romance Isn't Dead
15. Adelina - Electric Love
16. Toms Kalderauskis - Domaju, Tu Nac
17. Ruta Duduma - Chemical
18. Marta - Lovable
19. Markus Riva - Bigger Than This
20. Luka - Stronger

Personally I don't think Fit Right is as good as Heartbeat, but maybe the song will come alive more with the live performance. Super happy to see Katrina return and Scarlett Challenge is great. Though I think if she didn't win with The Cat Song last year she's not going to manage it this year when it's so much more competitive.

I like the Latvian sung parts of Ligo and the backing music a lot. I don't really care for the guy singing in English that much though, which drags it down a bit for me. Can't he just sing in Latvian? If he did it would be so much better.

Overall it's definitely a strong NF. Well done Latvia!


April 1, 2021
Listened to them all on my lunch break and I am genuinely impressed with supernova this year it is actually quite respectable.

Spotify wrapped has last year's second place song Kur? as my most played song of the year.

I'm also going to see sudden lights this weekend so I guess I just absolutely love Latvian indie?? I don't think Sadzejot would do well at the contest but is love to see it get there


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
The whole vibe all 20 songs give together is sooo not me:nervous:

Greta, The Ludwig and Citi Zeni get a pass. In this order.
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Well-known member
April 24, 2015
Listened to them all on my lunch break and I am genuinely impressed with supernova this year it is actually quite respectable.

Spotify wrapped has last year's second place song Kur? as my most played song of the year.

I'm also going to see sudden lights this weekend so I guess I just absolutely love Latvian indie?? I don't think Sadzejot would do well at the contest but is love to see it get there

I have Luktelk :lt: as my no 2 xheya


Well-known member
April 24, 2015
Man, the final minute of Ligo is soooo good. I listened to the song like already 10 times today.

Zelts is also really good, I think I'm upgrading to 8,5/10.


February 28, 2018
So finally listened to the songs! I enjoyed them a lot, even though there isn't THE song that I am really burning for. Nevertheless my top 3 are:
KoBra – Zelts
The Ludvig – Līgo
Bel Tempo x LEGZDINA – The Water
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Well-known member
August 2, 2015
I´ve spent the day recording and editing Reaction videos to each song. This is the strongest National selection I can remember from the 2020s and it´s going to be very unpredictable.

My favorite, to nobody´s surprise, is Citi Zeni. But Tepat is close by.

Here is my reaction to my first time hearing Ramtai by Citi Zeni:



Well-known member
April 5, 2010
01 Toms Kalderauskis – Domāju, tu nāc 8/10
02 The Ludvig – Līgo 8/10
03 Emilija – Heartbeat 8/10
04 Citi Zēni – Ramtai 8/10
05 Markus Riva – Bigger Than This 7/10
06 Justs – Fit Right 7/10
07 Grēta – Monster 5/10
08 Adelina – Electric Love 4/10
09 Marta – Lovable 4/10
10 Sinerģija – Bound By The Light 3/10
11 KoBra – Zelts 3/10
12 Chris Noah – Romance Isn’t Dead 3/10
13 LUKA – Stronger 3/10
14 Rūta Dūduma – Chemical 2/10
15 Julianna – Something In The Water 2/10
16 Bel Tempo x LEGZDINA – The Water 2/10
17 Tautumeitas – Bur man laimi 1/10
18 PALÚ – Delusional 1/10
19 Katrīna Gupalo – Scarlett Challenger 1/10
20 Tepat – Sadzejot 0/10

I will be never a fan of Supernova, but they are a handful of good songs, hopefully one of them has a chance. It so long ago see Latvia high in my ESC Ranking, i cross my fingers for next year.
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