Hi There, not been on here before, so please be kind to my question.
I was just wondering what do people think about likely instructions or guidelines given to the juries - do we think they will be generally guided in any way, and what's that likely to be?
Feel it's a pretty important question, as it effects the choices.
Also, do we know, do the jury members vote separately (and join their marks together for overall mark) or do they jointly 'agree' their mark which represents the jury score?
Each National Jury shall meet in its own country on the day of the second Dress Rehearsal of the Semi-Final in which it is responsible for voting and on the day of second Dress Rehearsal of the Final. The National Juries shall watch the live transmission of the second Dress Rehearsals and proceed to vote in accordance with the EBU's instructions […].
All members of the National Juries shall receive their own voting sheet (to be distributed by the pan-European televoting partner) and shall be required to send a form, duly completed, in which they confirm that they will comply with the voting instructions, as well as a signed declaration in which they undertake to vote independently.
After the presentation of all the songs in a given Show, each member shall award 12 points to his favourite song, 10 points to his second favourite song, 8 points to his third favourite song, 7 points to the next, and so on down to 1 point for his tenth favourite song. Abstentions are not allowed. The song representing the country of the Participating Broadcaster which has appointed the National Jury shall be excluded from the vote.
The chairperson shall be responsible for collecting the voting sheets of all jury members after all the songs have been performed, for counting the votes and for awarding the points according to the following system: 12 points shall be allocated to the song which has received the most votes from the members of the National Jury, 10 points shall be allocated to the song gaining the second highest number of votes, 8 points to the song gaining the third highest number of votes, 7 points to the next, and so on down to 1 point for the song gaining the tenth highest number of votes.
Each National Jury's deliberations shall be monitored by a notary, whose tasks shall be to:
- ensure compliance with the voting rules;
- collect, check and certify the calculation of the results and the completed voting papers established by the chairperson before the points are awarded and entered into a computer by the chairperson, to avoid any calculation error;
- send by fax all the certified voting papers to the pan-European televoting partner. Respect for this provision shall be the responsibility of the Participating Broadcasters.
The Chairperson and the Notary shall remain available and must be attainable at any time until the beginning of the Shows.
There were rules and guidelines for the 2009 juries and I assume that are similar this year. I saw them on esctoday but that's gone so I don't know where else to look