Re: ICELAND 2016
so, here's my view of the choice....
Augnablik: starts a bit boring, but then it gets better. Still, I don't find it too interesting. The only thing that keeps me from clicking the "stop" button is the wonderful island language.
A ny: another slow start. The voice is not very convincing. The melody neither. But then with the drums it gets something mystical. High pitches, but in a weak falsetto.... well.... wouldn't be my choice either. But I think it will find its fanbase.
Eg leidi pig heim: what is going on here? another slow lullaby.... all the first three songs are interchangeable melody wise. next!
Eg se pig: WHAT? AGAIN? What happens to Iceland? This sounds exactly the same as the others. NEXT!
Fataekur namsmadur: At least some live here. I don't know if I like it because I just hat pure boredom up to now or if it is the song. At least, I'm not asleep, but I doubt, that this would qualify. Weak voice, nothing special.
Hugur minn er: Ok, something happened in Iceland, definitively: another ballad that is just bland boring. It tries to build up with the second voice tuning in, but it goes nowhere. But now it gets some power. Up to now the best one, but still not a good one.
Kreisi: ok, interesting intro. a voice of somebody who is not sedated..... a bit fun, a groove. modern sound. but the melody and the musical background somehow don't fit together. No catchy hookline. Could be interesting with a good staging. But nothing I would vote for in Stockholm.
Ostodvandi: That's a good voice, slow beginning, but with a certain tension. Yes! This is good! this is catchy! Good groove. The first one I really like. Holds the tension up to the end!
Ötulud ord: The woman has an annoying voice, very shallow. The guy is only slightly better. And the song is like the first ones (felt like a hundred). Utterly boring and not well sung. NEXT!
Ovaer: Better. At least, it doesn't put you to sleep immediately. Decent, but not outstanding.
Raddirnar: And the next lullaby. No wait! I'm wrong! She has awakened. That's also not bad, changes a lot, very slight allusion ethnic influences.
Spring yfir heiminn: Boring beginning, sudden rap. I don't get this.
So for me one clear winner. The only song that really makes me want to hear it twice (and even more often) is Karlotta's Ostödvandi. I could live with Greta's Raddirnar also, but I would nevertheless be disappointed if she won.
All the rest is completely forgettable and boring, if not annoying and I had to struggle to listen to the end. The worst islandic line-up for years....