Hungary probably will not participate in Eurovision 2024.
Submission for A DAL 2024 are open until November 30th, initially the deadline was today!
The rules for A DAL:
2:30 - 3:30 minute song in Hungarian, which has not yet, or at the earliest
after June 15th 2023.
For Eurovision the rules is max 3.00 minute and in the national selection there were usually songs in English too. For Eurovision is after 1 September 2023.
Az eredetileg az Eurovízós Dalfesztivál előválogatójaként létrejött A Dal évek óta egyre kevesebb nézőt érdekel, az MTVA azonban továbbra sem hajlandó megindokolni, miért nem veszünk részt a nemzetköz
in this article from October, it is said that the audience has decreased since A DAL is not connected to Eurovision