Re: First impression
This is my very first impression of the songs I listened to so far (I haven't listened to any song more than one time by now):
Switzerland - I like this actually in a pleasing way but it's rather forgettable. One day later and I can't remember any of the music but I remember the girl, she rocks!
Albania - I like it! Very much! Not sure if I'd vote for it though, it's just middle of the road.
UK - Mmmmh, good Eurovision entry, something I'd like to see in the final. Wouldn't vote for it though. I can see people voting for it. Nice typical ESC song. Nice vibes.
Denmark - Yes, love it. The staging (hello Vikings ;-)) and the chorus is very special, I remember the chorus just after one time listening. Good sign! Probably my favourite by now.
Malta - No. Just no. Didn't understand a word she sang. Also, she didn't sang very well. Sounded a mess to me.
France - Oh yeah. I like this so so much. Very emotional, very melnacholic. Simple music, simple lyrics. reminds me of a nice clean 80s song. Remember this quite well even the day after and I'm humming to this tune all the time, singing Mercy, mercy, mercy... another favourite so far!
Italy - Very good. Love the chorus. Don't remember it now but I liked it. The verse is not that good, I think it depends on the power the two guys have on stage. But really nice to have in the final.
Serbia - Really good. I LOVE the ethnics along with the dance sounds. Really innovative, a must have in Eurovision. Finally something experimental though Bulgaria 2007 was better. I HOPE this will make it to the final. I remember the ethnic sounds quite well, the chorus is catchy.
Montenegro - Yes! Please! We need such songs in the final. I remember it's a nice traditional song. The Balkan countries don't dissappoint again.
Spain - Sorry, but no. Too cheesy. I just remember their faces being so close, smiling like hell, cringeworthy.
Germany - Again no. The chorus is pleasing but this is the only song I have listened to twice by now. The rest is so staged, nothing new. Even after the second listening I don't remember the melody.
Czech Republic - Yaaaaas! I love it !!! Although this is really not my kind of music, this makes me wanna dance to it all day. I even remember the melody of the chorus just after one time listening. I hope he will make it to the final, we need that beats. I got New Kids On The Block vibes! Does anyone remember them?
Greece - Yes! This has caught me at once. It's perfect... music, staging... this could do very well in the final. Gives me dark vibes. Really good!
Belarus - I'm sure I have heard that song somewhen back in Eurovision. This must be a copy of another former Eurovision song. Once I have listened to it again, I will find out. It's nice somehow but I have a feeling of plagiarism. So it gives me bad vibes actually.
- More to come -