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First impression (listening to that song the very first time)


February 26, 2016
The first impression is the most important one. Within seconds we decide if we like something (or someone) or not. This applies to every Eurovision entry also. Of course, preferences will change throughout the (pre) contest times.

But remember, on Eurovision night a part of the audience will listen to the songs for the very first time. Their first impression might be similar to our first impression and may give a hint how they'd vote in the finals.

I would like you to post here your very first impression of the songs, the moment you listen to them for the first time. It can be the snippet only but you have to have listened to at least the chorus and one verse.

It will be fun to read how much your opinion has changed later - to the better or worse. ;) (Feel free to add these thoughts too, at a subsequent date)


February 26, 2016
Re: First impression

This is my very first impression of the songs I listened to so far (I haven't listened to any song more than one time by now):

Switzerland - I like this actually in a pleasing way but it's rather forgettable. One day later and I can't remember any of the music but I remember the girl, she rocks!

Albania - I like it! Very much! Not sure if I'd vote for it though, it's just middle of the road.

UK - Mmmmh, good Eurovision entry, something I'd like to see in the final. Wouldn't vote for it though. I can see people voting for it. Nice typical ESC song. Nice vibes.

Denmark - Yes, love it. The staging (hello Vikings ;-)) and the chorus is very special, I remember the chorus just after one time listening. Good sign! Probably my favourite by now.

Malta - No. Just no. Didn't understand a word she sang. Also, she didn't sang very well. Sounded a mess to me.

France - Oh yeah. I like this so so much. Very emotional, very melnacholic. Simple music, simple lyrics. reminds me of a nice clean 80s song. Remember this quite well even the day after and I'm humming to this tune all the time, singing Mercy, mercy, mercy... another favourite so far!

Italy - Very good. Love the chorus. Don't remember it now but I liked it. The verse is not that good, I think it depends on the power the two guys have on stage. But really nice to have in the final.

Serbia - Really good. I LOVE the ethnics along with the dance sounds. Really innovative, a must have in Eurovision. Finally something experimental though Bulgaria 2007 was better. I HOPE this will make it to the final. I remember the ethnic sounds quite well, the chorus is catchy.

Montenegro - Yes! Please! We need such songs in the final. I remember it's a nice traditional song. The Balkan countries don't dissappoint again.

Spain - Sorry, but no. Too cheesy. I just remember their faces being so close, smiling like hell, cringeworthy.

Germany - Again no. The chorus is pleasing but this is the only song I have listened to twice by now. The rest is so staged, nothing new. Even after the second listening I don't remember the melody.

Czech Republic - Yaaaaas! I love it !!! Although this is really not my kind of music, this makes me wanna dance to it all day. I even remember the melody of the chorus just after one time listening. I hope he will make it to the final, we need that beats. I got New Kids On The Block vibes! Does anyone remember them? :cool:

Greece - Yes! This has caught me at once. It's perfect... music, staging... this could do very well in the final. Gives me dark vibes. Really good!

Belarus - I'm sure I have heard that song somewhen back in Eurovision. This must be a copy of another former Eurovision song. Once I have listened to it again, I will find out. It's nice somehow but I have a feeling of plagiarism. So it gives me bad vibes actually.

- More to come -


February 26, 2016
Nobody who wants to share his or her first thoughts? :cool:

Anyway, some new songs to listen to.

Armenia - this rocks! This is something I am really looking forward to in the final. I hope he will rock it, this can be boombastic!

Latvia - urgh. Not my kind of music. Besides, the song reminds me of a German fun song that sounds exactly the same! Plagiarism vibes here too. Have to figure out if I find that song.

Romania - Just too plain boring. No words needed.

Hungary - Metal is my music so I appreciate it. But if there's one thing dead certain in Eurovision, when it comes to Metal, then it's the fact that metal means mediocre metal. (Except for Lordi). So - no. Sorry. Heartbroken.

Ukraine - Okayish. I actually like this and it's fun to listen to, but nothing I'd vote for.

Slovenia - Hell no. Two styles that don't go together.

Moldova - Why not? Hello 2008. Moldova is one of my favourite countries in Eurovision and I love the old school ska dance they've been coquetting with since their debut.


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
*looking through my memory*

Albania - okay, not my favorite, but i don't mind it if it wins
France - instant favorite judging by the snippet alone
Czech Republic - instant favorite and i was the most confident in his victory
Spain - lame
Malta - I didn't like it at first but in my defence, it's different than her previous tries.. after two/three listens i was hooked, and i love it now and i always will!
Switzerland - instant favorite
UK - obviously a random filler
Denmark - Ignored the snippet, but after hearing it in full, i loved it
Italy - Instant favorite.. even beating Lo Stato Sociale.. hahaha
Greece - nice, not bad at all.. too bad NF is cancelled
Belarus - disappointment
Montenegro - "Surely Nina will win this because all the ballads will cancel each other out?"
Serbia - wow, Elitsa and Stoyan vibes, I love it!
Germany - Depressing version of Ed Sheeran's "Perfect"? Hvala ne!
Moldova - Yaaaay, Doredos have kept their music style
Slovenia - Immediate hype, together with Anabel
Ukraine - At least he's better than last year
Hungary - I love it, But they will never win.. hahaha
Latvia - Interesting, but i'll wait for her live performance to decide whether i like her or not
Armeina - Another great song in a very strong selection
Romania - "k, who's next?"


Well-known member
May 15, 2015
I had quite a bunch of first impressions and the ones I like the most are the winners from such NFs that had semifinals, so I could slightly spare myself from the hypes and shit.


Well-known member
February 10, 2010
:ro: nothing happens, nothing happens, nothing happens... wow!!!! That blond one´s got a lot of flow actually! I like it.
:md: that can´t be real. Is he actually looking at himself in the mirror? Can it be more shabby? Are these lyrics for adults or for children? Shocking.
:hu: I read somewhere it has heavy, let´s give it a chance. Too screamy. I know many people from this forum will like this.
:lv: she´s pretty. She´s not a bad singer. I actually like this.
:am: (I watched this angry at Kamil's Show not being chosen). A ballad. Okay. I watched it till the end. I couldn´t remember it afterwards.
:ua: Remembered seeing that guy before. Oh yeah, he was beaten by that rock band the previous year. That eye. Mmmmmmh... Random song.
:me: Nice start, I like balkan ballads. 1 minute later... not this one.
:rs: Wow, she can really sing. Lovely start. Isn´t it taking too long? Who the hell is that guy now? And this dance music in the background? Why bother? The perfect example on how to destroy a song in 3 minutes and make it a mess.
:mt: It actually sounds good. I liked that one.
:de: That´s my thing. His voice is great. That chorus is great. Finally a song I can say I really like!
:al: I listened to this one a long time ago and I can barely remember what I thought. I don´t reckon I thought it was a bad song tbh.
:by: (After seeing the bad scores in the forum). I didn´t think it was that bad. I actually kinda liked it.
:uk: That´s unreal the UK, one of the best countries when it comes to music is sending something so bland.
:ch: nice staging. Her voice is not good enough. Neither the song unfortunately :(
:it: I don´t like it. San Remo had better entries.
:es: I would be biased but even I liked the song and I think it´s a real contender for a top 10 I much preferred Lo Malo.
:dk: The Vikings are back... with a bad song.
:cz: Oh yes! Nice sound. Nice voice. Nice flow. Wondering at this time if the Czech Republic would get their best result ever. Now I am sure they will.
:gr: Beautiful start. I liked this.
:fr: Is that what France is sending? I thought they would be back to the bottom, and I was very surprised when I saw such good embrace in the forums.

Summing up, half of the songs have been released and I am not surprised countries like :cz: :by: or :es: are so high in the odds due to the lack of quality this year. Imo it´s being one of the worst ever, I just like 5 or 6 of them and they are not even a wow for me. Hopefully we will get something better from these internal selections and I will be able to start enjoying my 2018 Eurovision playlist.


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Re: First impression (listening to that song the very first time)
:ro: quite boring
:md: Don,t like it. But it stand out and sound different. Could do well
:hu: Quite like it. Stand out and cool to see something New in eurovision.
:lv: Average don,t remember it much
:am: same like Latvia
:ua: Ok and he is cute, but just ok. (maybe many Girls will love him :p )
:me: Typical Next songs or Hvala ne! :p
:rs: Balkan ballad who stand out. Cool performent
:mt: It actually sounds good. Cool song and staging
:de:WOW. Loved it. Want to here more
:al: Forget it.
:by: Cute boy. Average songs.
Really like it, but it reminds little about Levina.
:ch: Love it first time i heard it.
:it: Meh
:es: Don,t like it. Too sweet
:dk: Really like the studio Version. Live the staging was awful.
It stand out. Some cool part, but for me is just ok
:gr: Forget it
:fr: Did not like any of the songs, but this was maybe the best, Still OK

:sl: Cool song. But something is missing

First time i liked Germany and Switzerland best

But not sure that is a good or bad Things



October 4, 2017
:al: It's not bad, but I wanted Inis to win
:fr: Bit repetitive, why is everyone obsessed with it
:es: Omg they are so cute, such a lovely song
:cz: Well, this won't be my favourite
:mt: It would look great on the Eurovision stage
:ch: Great song and it has to win
:uk: Pretty cool, like the message behind it
:dk: Really good song
:it: Love at first listen xheart
:by: Such a beautiful song
:me: Omg a Balkan ballad
:rs: Not bad, I'm sure it will grow on me
:de: xheart xheart *ugly crying*
:ua: Love at first listen 2.
:md: I want to travel to Moldova
:sl: What
:lv: Sounds like a song from 50 shades of grey, but actually love it
:hu: Finally a little diversity, love it
:am: I love that it's in Armenian
:ro: Why is this so controversial, it's actually really good
:ee: Masterpiece
:sm: Nothing like the recent Sammarinese entries
:pl: Wow so catchy, reminds me of summertime
:is: Not bad, but I preferred Í stormi to this
:cy: Good song, but nothing special for me
:az: Little disappointment because of the rumours
:nl: Freaking cool
:fi: Love at first listen 3.
:gr: Interesting entry, like the language

.... :lol: :lol:


February 28, 2018
Switzerland - The singer really rocks, the song has a rhythm you want to dance to. A song that will be in my top 10 definitely!
Albania - I knew it from the first moment! Another favorite song
UK - Mediocre. Not stormy enough. I am sorry. Not much to say.
Slovenia - Awwww. No!
Ukraine - Interesting, but not interesting enough to make it under top 10.
Malta - The song should be taboo.
France - Is okay, but I don't understand the hype about it. The best thing are the lyrics. Important statement.
Italy - Nice duo. Sing with emotion. Yet not sure if this will rech top 10.
Montenegro - Like the singing, but not the song.
Spain - No, no, NO! Way too cheesy. The couple reminded me of teenagers, it lacks of matureness.
Germany - Compared to many songs we sent so far to the ESC, this one is rather good. And I can rely to the lyrics personally. If I could vote, it wouln't be on top, but under the top 10. Maybe a song heard many times before, but yet wonderfully done.
Czech Republic - Hm. Usually not my kind of music, but yet not bad done. Catch grooves and love the sax!
Greece - Beautiful piece of music. Just hope that the live performance can measure up to my expectations.
Belarus - The music caught me instantly. A song that I later sang often (when noone heard me, of course), but please ..... work on the live singing !!!!
Denmark: Whoa!!!! Let's sail to ESC! The song instantly gave me goose bumps. It drags you in, a wonderful song, so completely different from others! My Number ONE!!!!
Montenegro - Okay, I guess. A song easy to forget.
Serbia - Beautiful song. Full of harmonies. Goes to heart.
Moldova - My lucky day when I don't have to hear it. Not my cup of tea.
Hungary - A wonderful, hard and strong song. I keep headbanging to it.
Latvia - Interesting, but i'll wait for her live performance to decide whether i like her or not.
Armenia - Another great song in a very strong selection
Cyprus - Too many songs sound like that.
Romania - A good song that reminds me of the female rockers of the good old 80's a là Lita Ford, Heart.
Finland - No thank you.
Poland - Another no thank you.

Hope I didn't forget anyone!
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