Luka Nižetić - Južina = 9/10
Marin Jurić-Ćivro - Gorjelo je = 9/10
Teenah - Aurora = 8/10
IVXN - Monopol = 7/10
Fenksta - Extra = 7/10
Natalli - Dom si srcu mom = 7/10
Marko Škugor - Šta da Boga molim ja = 6/10
Matt Shaft - Welcome to the circus = 6/10
Ananda - Lies Lay Cold = 6/10
Petar Brkljačić - KRAJ = 6/10
EoT - Bye, Bye, Bye = 6/10
Irma - Enigma = 6/10
Marko Tolja - Through the dark = 5/10
Martha May - Running To The Light = 5/10
Supersonic Trio - Animal = 5/10
Jelena Radan - SALUT = 5/10
Ogenj - Daj, daj = 5/10
Magazin - AaAaA = 5/10
laurakojapjeva - NPC = 5/10
Filomena - Strong = 5/10
LELEK - The Soul of my Soul = 4/10
Marko Bošnjak - Poison Cake = 2/10
I would ask for my 72 minutes back but that would be a bit unfair as I did get 9 minutes of joy here, along with 3 minutes of unintentional hilarity so that's something.
Južina for me has the most promise, and the one that also seems the most ready. The music video is striking, memorable and fun. It's quirky without being too try hard. Most importantly, that chorus is an earworm. I think it has all the necessary ingredients to win over the Eurovision audience. Please consider it.
I enjoy
Gorjelo je. It's warm and comfy. Like a less ambitious Croatian The War On Drugs or something, but still extremely likeable. Make no mistake though, this wouldn't be the right choice for the contest, especially with the the absence of the jury vote in the semi. I really like the song though and hope it does well in the selection.
ZNAK stands out as well. Love how deliciously synthy it is, and melodically it travels to some nice places. Perhaps it's a bit too vibey to work at Eurovision but it's so different to everything else in the selection, and could stand out even more with a memorable visual.
I wasn't supposed to like
Aurora but as soon as the first "aurora borealis" line came, I spat out my tea. I'm a silly man and this is peak Eurovision unintentional ridiculousness, actually tied to a sweet, charming song. There's quite a bit to like here.
Monopol I'll soften on a bit eventually, as I can't say no to an over the top poundshop bop. This one really gives me
last place 2000s Spanish entry vibes though, so be careful with it. I always welcome seeing actual hip hop songs in selections, so
Extra I appreciated. I think it needs work but I enjoy the old school vibes.
The rest of the songs for me are mostly ok/mid. I don't want to hear
Poison Cake ever again. I'm about 26 years too old for it. Would have been nice though I suppose celebrating my 8th birthday party at McDonald's back in the day with it.