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Staff member
September 19, 2015

Board Rules
is a set of Rules to provide and maintain a healthy environment on escYOUnited Forum. Board Rules apply to all sub-forums.

1. Any form of inappropriate behavior is not allowed on escYOUnited Forum. It is strictly forbidden to:

1.1. use inappropriate and vulgar language;
1.2. insult other members;
1.3. use racist remarks;
1.4. abuse and provoke other members;
1.5. discriminate based on sexual orientation, gender identity or religion;
1.6. reveal personal information or explicit content of others;
1.7. infect threads with off-topic material;
1.8. use coded or suggestive language that conveys a secondary meaning to a specific group while appearing innocuous to others to promote discriminatory, hateful or harmful ideas.

2. When witnessing someone behaving in an inappropriate way, it is strictly forbidden to respond in the same manner.
  • Report the inappropriate content to Administration. Administration will review it and take further actions if necessary.
  • When reporting content or member, make sure your Report is structured correctly. Guideline on Reports can be found HERE.
3. Discussion of Moderation or criticism of the escYOUnited Forum Administration on the open board is not permitted.
  • For any questions regarding removed content, warnings or bans, contact any member of the Administration.
  • Administration can be found HERE.
4. Board Rules must be also followed in online contests (OM; FSC; NSC; WV) and by their respective Mod Teams.

5. The Forum language is English and the majority of all posts must be in English. It is allowed to post in a different language as long as it is a short paragraph and a translation is provided.

6. Plagiarizing, sharing and asking for MP3’s of copyrighted material and presenting fan works as original works is not allowed.

7. Any form of spam is not allowed on escYOUnited Forum and the following will be removed:

7.1. links to other Forums and online contests held outside escYOUnited;
7.2. links to personal websites;
7.3. spam containing account details;
7.4. any content generated by spambots.

8. It is forbidden to start new threads with useless information and share content in dead threads to increase the post count on purpose.

9. Board Rules must also be followed in private conversations with other members.

10. Pornographic, violent and psychologically traumatic materials are not allowed.

11. Political content and discussions outside political sub-forum are not allowed.
Political sub-forum has a secondary set of Rules which can be found HERE.

12. Religious content and discussions outside religion destined thread are not allowed.
Anything religious must be posted HERE.

13. Duplicate accounts are not allowed.

14. Changes in Usernames are only allowed after sending a request and explaining the necessity to one of the Administrators.

15. Images exceeding height of 200px, images being larger than 700kB and GIFs in signatures are not allowed. In case of violation of this Rule Administration has rights to remove them.

Last update: October 5, 2024​
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