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Answer these questions using ESC songs!


March 3, 2011
Cyprus / Oussou Empire
I found this somewhere else, and I thought to post it with a bit different "rules". Instead of picking one artist to answer these questions, answer them using titles of ESC songs! If you like, you can pick only a year, and select song titles only from that year!

1. Are you male or female?

2. describe yourself:

3. How do some people feel about you:

4. How do you feel about yourself:

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:

7. Describe where you want to be:

8. Describe where you live?

9. Describe how you live:

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:

12. Any general advice:

13. Share a favorite pickup line:

14. And if that one doesn't work:

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:

16. Pepsi or coke:

17. Any pets?

18. Favorite food:

19. Do you drink?

20. Say goodbye:


March 3, 2011
Cyprus / Oussou Empire
I picked 2008 :mrgreen:

1. Are you male or female?
:cy: Femme Fatale

2. describe yourself:
:gr: Secret combination (the lyrics of the whole song :lol:)

3. How do some people feel about you:
:ua: Shady lady

4. How do you feel about yourself:
:fr: Divine

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
:sl: Vrag naj vzame (=To hell with it)

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
:mk: Let me love you

7. Describe where you want to be:
:ro: Pe-o margine de lume (=On an edge of the world)

8. Describe where you live?
:fi: Missä miehet ratsastaa (=Where the men ride)

9. Describe how you live:
:az: Day after day

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
:ge: Peace will come

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:
:es: Baila el Chiki Chiki

12. Any general advice:
:no: Hold on be strong

13. Share a favorite pickup line:
:is: This is my life

14. And if that one doesn't work:
:ie: Irelande douze pointe

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:
:ch: Era Stupendo

16. Pepsi or coke:
:rs: Oro

17. Any pets?
:lv: Wolves of the sea

18. Favorite food:
:tr: Deli (I know it means "crazy" but it reminds me of delicatessen :lol:)

19. Do you drink?
:mt: Vodka

20. Say goodbye:
:by: Hasta la vista


Well-known member
January 18, 2010
Linköping, Sweden
Some of your answers are really funny! :lol:

It's kinda difficult to find some "answers" though. I might do it later.


Well-known member
December 23, 2010
Westchester - Los Angeles
1. Are you male or female?

:il: Diva xrofl2

2. describe yourself:

:be: J'aime la vie

3. How do some people feel about you:

:ua: Sweet people

4. How do you feel about yourself:

:ru: Ja eta ja xheart

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:

:hr: Nostalgija

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:

:hr: Vukovi umiru sami :lol:

7. Describe where you want to be:

:fr: Mama Corsica

8. Describe where you live?

:pt: A cidade

9. Describe how you live:

:az: Day after day

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:

:mk: Samo ti

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:

:fr: Chacun pense à soi

12. Any general advice:

:uk: No dreams impossible

13. Share a favorite pickup line:

:fi: Marry me xrofl2

14. And if that one doesn't work:

:gr: (I would) die for you :mrgreen:

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:

:lv: What for? :lol:

16. Pepsi or coke:

:bg: Voda

17. Any pets?

:sl: Samo ljubezen

18. Favorite food:

:nl: Birds xrofl2

19. Do you drink?

:dk: Kun med dig

20. Say goodbye:

:nl: No goodbyes


Active member
February 18, 2012
1. Are you male or female?
2. Describe yourself:
I’m A Joker
3. How do some people feel about you:
I Wanna, Gimme
4. How do you feel about yourself:
Why Me?
5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
Running Scared
6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
In Love For A While
7. Describe where you want to be:
Las Vegas
8. Describe where you live?
Hello From Mars
9. Describe how you live:
Na Inat
10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
New Tomorrow
11. Share a few words of Wisdom:
Ne Ver Ne Boisa Ne Prosi
12. Any general advice:
Get A Life
13. Share a favorite pickup line:
Boom Bang-a-Bang
14. And if that one doesn't work:
Hold Me Now, Takes 2 To Tango
Take Me To Your Heaven
Would you...Rimi-Rimi-Ley?
What if we...Ding-A-Dong?
Wadde hadde dudde da?

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:
Hemel En Aarde
16. Pepsi or coke:
For Real?
17. Any pets?
Algo Pequeñito
18. Favorite food:
All Kinds Of Everything
19. Do you drink?
20. Say goodbye:
Hasta La Vista, Tornero, This Time I Mean It.


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Zaragoza (Spain)
hmmm for example 2010

1. Are you male or female?
:ee: Siren (nothing has sense :lol:)

2. describe yourself:
:is: Je ne sais quoi

3. How do some people feel about you:
:bg: Angel si ti :lol:

4. How do you feel about yourself:
:ua: Sweet people :)

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
:lv: What for?

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
:no: My heart is yours (this is an easy one haha)

7. Describe where you want to be:
:sk: Horehronie

8. Describe where you live?
:cy: Life looks better in spring

9. Describe how you live:
:fr: Allez olla olé :lol:

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
:mt: My dream

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:
:tr: We could be the same

12. Any general advice:
:pt: Ha dias assim

13. Share a favorite pickup line:
:se: This is my life

14. And if that one doesn't work:
:gr: OPA :lol:

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:
:ro: Playing with fire

16. Pepsi or coke:
:sl: Narodnozabavni rock (??)

17. Any pets?
:by: Butterflies

18. Favorite food:
:am: Apricot stone :lol:

19. Do you drink?
:uk: That sounds good to me :lol:

20. Say goodbye:
:md: Run away!!!


Active member
May 19, 2011
Haha, cool idea!

1. Are you male or female?

:ch: (1993) Moi, tout simplement

2. describe yourself:

:es: (1969) Vivo cantando

3. How do some people feel about you:

:lu: (1978) Parlez-vous français ?

4. How do you feel about yourself:

:no: (1985) La det swinge

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:

:me: (2009) Just get out of my life

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:

:lu: (1961) Nous les amoureux

7. Describe where you want to be:

:no: (1997) San Francisco

8. Describe where you live?

:nl: (1998) Hemel en Aarde

9. Describe how you live:

:de: (1994) Wir geben 'n Party

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:

:uk: (1996) Ooh Aah Just A Little Bit

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:

:de: (1982) Ein bißchen Frieden

12. Any general advice:

:tr: (1997) Dinle

13. Share a favorite pickup line:

:yu: (1990) Hajde da ludujemo (Let's go crazy)

14. And if that one doesn't work:

:es: (1973) Eres tu

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:

:ru: (2010) Lost and forgotten

16. Pepsi or coke:

:lv: (2010) What For?

17. Any pets?

:lu: (1980) Le Papa Pingouin :lol:

18. Favorite food:

:be: (1966) Un peu de poivre, un peu de sel

19. Do you drink?

:gr: (2013) Alcohol is free

20. Say goodbye:

:ch: (1988) Ne partez pas sans moi



Active member
October 9, 2009
Funny idea :mrgreen:

1. Are you male or female?
:it: 2012 L'amore è femmina

2. describe yourself:
:tr: 2008 Deli

3. How do some people feel about you:
:by: 2008 Eyes that never lie

4. How do you feel about yourself:
:md: 2011 So lucky

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
:dk: 2013 Only teardrops

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
:ch: 2011 In love for a while

7. Describe where you want to be:
:no: 1997 San Francisco

8. Describe where you live?
:no: 1990 Brandenburger Tor

9. Describe how you live:
:fi: 2006 Hard rock hallelujah

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
:de: 1982 Ein bisschen Frieden

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:
:ie: 2007 They can't stop the spring

12. Any general advice:
:cz: 2008 Have some fun

13. Share a favorite pickup line:
:nl: 2008 Your heart belongs to me

14. And if that one doesn't work:
:mt: 2012 This is the night

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:
:lv: 2010 What for...?

16. Pepsi or coke:
:mt: 2008 Vodka

17. Any pets?
:lv: 2008 Wolves of the sea

18. Favorite food:
:no: 2013 I feed you my love

19. Do you drink
:gr: 2013 Alcohol is free

20. Say Goodbye
:ua: 2003 Hasta la vista


April 25, 2012
1. Are you male or female?
:ad: Casanova

2. describe yourself:
:mk: Crno i Belo

3. How do some people feel about you:
:gr: Secret Combination

4. How do you feel about yourself:
:ge: Waterfall

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
:sl: No One

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
:nl: Ik Ben Verliefd

7. Describe where you want to be:
:bg: DJ, Please Take Me Away to :ee: Rockefeller Street

8. Describe where you live?
:ch: The Highest Heights

9. Describe how you live:
:ro: Playing With Fire

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
:dk: Believe Again

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:
:at: Woki Mit Deim Popo

12. Any general advice:
:ua: Be My Guest

13. Share a favorite pickup line:
:no: I feed you my love

14. And if that one doesn't work:
:ua: Be My Valentine

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:
:be: O Julissi

16. Pepsi or coke:
:fi: Da Da Dam, Da Da Dam, Da Da Dam...

17. Any pets?
:be: Copycat

18. Favorite food:
:lt: Something

19. Do you drink?
:ge: We Don't Wanna Put In

20. Say goodbye:
:il: Time to Say Goodbye


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
1. Are you male or female?
:lt: Something

2. describe yourself:
:ge: I'm a Joker

3. How do some people feel about you:
:gr: Secret Combination

4. How do you feel about yourself:
:uk: I Can

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
:ba: Lejla

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
:ba: "Call Me"

7. Describe where you want to be:
:no: In My Dreams

8. Describe where you live?
:rs: Ovo je Balkan

9. Describe how you live:
:lv: What For?

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
:gr: Everything

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:
:am: Boom Boom

12. Any general advice:
:sk: Don't Close Your Eyes

13. Share a favorite pickup line:
:at: "Woki mit deim Popo"

14. And if that one doesn't work:
:ru: Solo

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:
:fi: Leave Me Alone

16. Pepsi or coke:
:cy: Gimme

17. Any pets?
? xshrug

18. Favorite food:
:nl: Birds

19. Do you drink?
:il: Happy Birthday

20. Say goodbye:
:de: No No Never


Active member
January 30, 2012
1. Are you male or female? Ding-a-dong
2. Describe yourself: Je Suis Un Vrai Garçon
3. How do some people feel about you: Milas poli (You talk too much)
4. How do you feel about yourself: So lucky!
5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends: E' de' det här du kallar kärlek? (Is this what you call love?)

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush: You
7. Describe where you want to be: Venedig im Regen (Venice in the rain)
8. Describe where you live? Heaven
9. Describe how you live: Faangad Av En Stormvind (Captured in a storm wind)
10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: Children, Kinder, enfants

11. Share a few words of Wisdom: Träume sind für alle da (Dreams are for everyone)
12. Any general advice: No dream impossible
13. Share a favorite pickup line: Ja sam za ples (Wanna dance?)
14. And if that one doesn't work: Call me
15. What secondary school do/did you attend: Je ne sais quoi

16. Pepsi or coke: added with Vodka
17. Any pets? I do
18. Favorite food: Baunilha E Chocolate
19. Do you drink? Every way that I can
20. Say goodbye: Ciao amore!


Active member
March 17, 2013
I'm lazy (or let's say wanted more material to work with :mrgreen: ) and haven't restricted myself to a single year.

1. Are you male or female?

2. describe yourself:

3. How do some people feel about you:
>The Worrying Kind.

4. How do you feel about yourself:

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
>My Dream.

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
>Love Me Back.

7. Describe where you want to be:

8. Describe where you live?
>Drip Drop.

9. Describe how you live:
>Crno i Belo.

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:
>Há Dias Assim.

12. Any general advice:
>Beg, Steal or Borrow.

13. Share a favorite pickup line:
>Guildo Hat Euch Lieb!

14. And if that one doesn't work:
>Watch My Dance.

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:
>Bad Old Days.

16. Pepsi or coke:

17. Any pets?
>No No Never.

18. Favorite food:
>Pomme, Pomme, Pomme.

19. Do you drink?
>A Little Bit.

20. Say goodbye:


Well-known member
October 26, 2011
Ok xsing :uk: It's my time... to... :nl::ge::at: Shine ! xrofl3

1. Are you male or female?
:fr: Je suis un vrai garçon :mrgreen:

2. describe yourself: (xsing :dk: Tell me who you are !!! :lol:)
:mc: Un petit français (I tricked ! :mrgreen:)

3. How do some people feel about you:
:ie: Happy man :D

4. How do you feel about yourself:
:uk: Believe in me ;)

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
:de: Disappear !

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
:sl: Mr Nobody :(

7. Describe where you want to be:
:fr: Où aller ? xrofl2
:nl: On top of the world ! :D

8. Describe where you live?
:fr: Un jardin sur la terre ! :lol:

9. Describe how you live:
:es: Que me quiten lo bailao ! :mrgreen:

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
:lt: Love

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:
:fr: Les mots d'amour n'ont pas de dimanche ! xrofl3 (But there are SOOOO MANY ! :D)

12. Any general advice:
:ie: Wait until the Weekend comes ! xrofl2

13. Share a favorite pickup line:
:pl: Jestem

14. And if that one doesn't work:
:nl: Ik wil alles met je delen"

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:
:nl: The Party's over ! :lol:

16. Pepsi or coke:
:mt: Vodka :lol:

17. Any pets?
:be: Ma petite chatte xrofl3

18. Favorite food:
:be: Un peu de poivre, un peu de sel xrofl2

19. Do you drink?
:mt: I do xrofl3

20. Say goodbye:
:no: Adieu


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Weeeeelllllll letssss seeeeeee who am i

1. Are you male or female?
:de: Dschinghis Khan

2. describe yourself:
:uk: Why Do I Always Make It Wrong

3. How do some people feel about you:
:sl: sometimes Narodnozabavni Rock, sometimes "Mr Nobody"

4. How do you feel about yourself:
:ru: Vyechniy stranik

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
:cy: Comme ci, comme ça

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
:es: I Love U Mi Vida

7. Describe where you want to be:
:gr: Ellada Chora Tou Fotos

8. Describe where you live?
:ie: Somewhere in Europe

9. Describe how you live:
:gr: OPA!

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
:ie: All Kinds Of Everything

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:
:il: Ding Dong :D

12. Any general advice:
:ie: They Cant Stop The Spring

13. Share a favorite pickup line:
:il: There Must Be Another Way

14. And if that one doesn't work:
:uk: Say It Again

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:
:gr: Alcohol Is Free

16. Pepsi or coke:
:is: Tell Me

17. Any pets?
:uk: That Sounds Good To Me

18. Favorite food:
:gr: Evrything

19. Do you drink?
:am: Anytime You Need

20. Say goodbye:
:yu: Ciao amore


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
1. Are you male or female?
:uk: Ring-A-Ding Girl

2. describe yourself:
:be: J'aime la vie

3. How do some people feel about you:
:no: Fairytale

4. How do you feel about yourself:
:az: Running scared

5. Ex boyfriends/girlfriends:
:uk: Are you sure?

6. Current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush:
:ie: Hold me now

7. Describe where you want to be:
:ie: Somewhere in Europe

8. Describe where you live?
:ru: Northern girl

9. Describe how you live:
:fr: C'est le dernier qui a parle qui a raison

10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:
:ua: Wild dances

11. Share a few words of Wisdom:
:uk: We will be free

12. Any general advice:
:by: Work your magic

13. Share a favorite pickup line:
You're :lv: my star

14. And if that one doesn't work:
:se: Take me to your heaven

15. What secondary school do/did you attend:
:lv: What for?

16. Pepsi or coke:
:se: Fyra bugg och en Coca-Cola

17. Any pets?
:uk: Better the devil you know

18. Favorite food:
:ie: All kinds of everything

19. Do you drink?
:ie: Why me?

20. Say goodbye:
:ba: Goodbye
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