Well, I was-and
I am BIG fun of Amy, my rington is 'Back to Black' for years, I have her CD, know words of all her songs...then what could I possibly say in thread like this (which shouldn't be in entertainment section imo)? What a huge disaster was this weekend....dunno...I think all her fans will be aware Amy's missing in future, not now...when we don't see her again, and don't get any new CD and when we realize it's really over (no matter how her behaviour was lately, she could do any crap, ppl who loved her would still came home from a shitty concert and listen to her again). I don't know...I will miss her for sure, I can't believe there won't be anymore Amy Winehouse songs in future. Yeah, everybody knew she had so many addictions, name it she had it.. and I don't think anybody is really surprised she died...but the big blame is on her management (who was interested only to sell her, to arrange concerts that she couldn't give)..maybe also her parents (she's their kid, they should always help kids)...also herself... but maybe I'm just being judgemental without knowing facts...
I'm not judgemental for ppl who suffer from drugs or alcohol, these ppl r sick and need help. The fact that she died at 27 just means she didn't get this help. And ppl from her surroundings nobody seriously tried to help her (if they did - they wouldn't sent her to tour few weeks ago when she was sick), it makes me most sad, knowing that nobody cared and I guess she died alone?

Anyway....no..I'm not surprised she died, and yeah......I'll miss Amy Winehouse a lot!