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Hello, this is Dalisska's own national thread! Where all news about Dalisska and their song choices will be found.
Name: Dalisska
Capital: Lyndra (Lin-dra)
Other Major cities: Rillatean, Tekniosa, Quingla.
Population: About 28 million
Capital Population: About 6 million
Languages: Dalisskian and Lyumpian, (Lie-um-peon)(it's a dying language though
Main Exports: Cheese, Wine, Boat parts, Chocolate truffles, Computers, Medical equipment, Zion mobiles(really fast cars designed in Tekniosa, a scientific and heavily protected city), Paparus sheets, Ice-Cream curry(a special delicacy made in Quingla)
Some Extra information about Dalisska
Dalisska is made up of four provinces, Dalyndra, Sarleaf, Hallin and Uramazia.
President: Arthur Mcdoogle, a kind man and effective politician who's favorite music includes Country ballads and "Cowboy" music, thankfully he has no say in the song selection for Dalisska whatsoever
Vice-President: Gina Paulina, a scheming, streetwise woman who is not to be messed with. She has a vile sense of humour and is reported to having laughed when Bambi's mother died. How she got into her position nobody knows but rumours of late suggest a bribe from her millionaire father secured her the position.
Lyndra: Lyndra is the perfect place to go on holidays, situated right beside the sea. There are many sites to see aswell, on your visit you must visit the famous Olo Bay which has a large sighting of Dolphins all year round. Lyndra is located in the province "Dalyndra"
Rillatean: Rillatean is well known for it's strong sense of heritage. When visiting be sure to note the quaint cobbled paths and narrow roads. Also on your visit be sure to visit landmarks such as "Jokes Tower" which is situated on the nearby Hill. Rillatean is located in the Province "Sarleaf"
Tekniosa: Pronounced Tek-neo-sa, Tekniosa is an advanced city in a recluse part of Dalisska. After an attack in the 1100's from nearby city Quingla, Tekniosa had no choice but to put a force field around the city where it stays to this day. It's very hard to get access into Tekniosa(it includes lots of Form filling and tests) but if you manage to do so be sure to take a stroll through Tek-Tek Park and gaze at the large Zion Sphere in the city centre. Tekniosa is located in the province "Hallin"
Quingla: Pronounced Kwing-la, Quingla is the most unusual part of Dalisska. The Lyumpian people have inhabited this city as far as anyone can remember. Quingla is a large city most famous for it's Lyumpian Pyramids. Yes the lyumpians have many things in common with the Egyptians. But by far the most interesting aspect of this city is that it is covered in snow all year round. Sadly the Lyumpian language is confined to this city only in Dalisska and is quickly dieing out. Quingla is located in the province "Uramazia".
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Name: Dalisska
Capital: Lyndra (Lin-dra)
Other Major cities: Rillatean, Tekniosa, Quingla.
Population: About 28 million
Capital Population: About 6 million
Languages: Dalisskian and Lyumpian, (Lie-um-peon)(it's a dying language though
Main Exports: Cheese, Wine, Boat parts, Chocolate truffles, Computers, Medical equipment, Zion mobiles(really fast cars designed in Tekniosa, a scientific and heavily protected city), Paparus sheets, Ice-Cream curry(a special delicacy made in Quingla)

Some Extra information about Dalisska
Dalisska is made up of four provinces, Dalyndra, Sarleaf, Hallin and Uramazia.
President: Arthur Mcdoogle, a kind man and effective politician who's favorite music includes Country ballads and "Cowboy" music, thankfully he has no say in the song selection for Dalisska whatsoever
Vice-President: Gina Paulina, a scheming, streetwise woman who is not to be messed with. She has a vile sense of humour and is reported to having laughed when Bambi's mother died. How she got into her position nobody knows but rumours of late suggest a bribe from her millionaire father secured her the position.
Lyndra: Lyndra is the perfect place to go on holidays, situated right beside the sea. There are many sites to see aswell, on your visit you must visit the famous Olo Bay which has a large sighting of Dolphins all year round. Lyndra is located in the province "Dalyndra"
Rillatean: Rillatean is well known for it's strong sense of heritage. When visiting be sure to note the quaint cobbled paths and narrow roads. Also on your visit be sure to visit landmarks such as "Jokes Tower" which is situated on the nearby Hill. Rillatean is located in the Province "Sarleaf"
Tekniosa: Pronounced Tek-neo-sa, Tekniosa is an advanced city in a recluse part of Dalisska. After an attack in the 1100's from nearby city Quingla, Tekniosa had no choice but to put a force field around the city where it stays to this day. It's very hard to get access into Tekniosa(it includes lots of Form filling and tests) but if you manage to do so be sure to take a stroll through Tek-Tek Park and gaze at the large Zion Sphere in the city centre. Tekniosa is located in the province "Hallin"
Quingla: Pronounced Kwing-la, Quingla is the most unusual part of Dalisska. The Lyumpian people have inhabited this city as far as anyone can remember. Quingla is a large city most famous for it's Lyumpian Pyramids. Yes the lyumpians have many things in common with the Egyptians. But by far the most interesting aspect of this city is that it is covered in snow all year round. Sadly the Lyumpian language is confined to this city only in Dalisska and is quickly dieing out. Quingla is located in the province "Uramazia".
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