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March 4, 2011




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March 4, 2011
Griffin Royals and Where to Find Them
Complete Guide to Griffin royalty, nobility and their titles
PART 4/4: Who rules the Griffin Empire today?

Note: I changed the concept of time in Griffin lore, so this article is not officially correct anymore, not even in the slightest, since these people are yet to be born. lol

Who rules the Griffin Empire today?

For centuries, the Griffin royals have captivated minds, hearts and newspaper headlines around Natia. Living life in the spotlight and under scrutiny, this two thousand years old dinasty continues to feed the global public's fascination with all things royal. Here's a final guide to the most important living members of the House of Kmöśsýh ätt Slýð Dąlkąlër.

The head of the family and the current Griffin Empress is Her Imperial Highness Ana Klara I, whose full name in Griffin language is Ana-Klara Eliisa Erzjebetth Dianna Kmöśsýh ätt Slýð Dąlkąlër kral Griffiniskaja, kraldniq ot Uno Etatotr, prýnsýn ätt Foreõsvdetrre, fihfitsleht ätt Rhem, hjurtsok ätt Kneitt mëd zalklev ätt Slýtthj. This impressively long name means that she simultaneously rules as Empress of the entire Griffin Empire, Queen of the First Griffin Kingdom, Princess of the Principality of Foreõsvdetrre, Duchess of the Duchy of Rhem, Countess of the County of Kneitt and Lady of Slýtthj. As you already know, all these titles have been acquired through conquests or marriages throughout history, and the first two are the most important. The title of queen is a traditional title which, in the event of independence of other principalities, the royal family claims the original three - Foreõsvdetrre, Õklingsmaa and Färzas as their new domain.

Empress Ana Klara I (in the photo) was born as the first child of the controversial Griffin Emperor Frëdrik XX and the Effinsk princess Dianna who entered into this marriage against her will. As a baby, she was already under the watchful eye of the public, which followed her from the first words spoken to schooling and activism. Very attached to her twin brother Henrik the lord of the manor of Anastasij, she showed interest in painting and acting but also in public speaking very early. Their debates in the pre-teen period were legendary and widely retold. She attended primary and secondary school with her brother at the Griffin Imperial Academy Krokoririi in Kralingslæting, and graduated from the Faculty of Griffin Language, Literature and Oratory at the University of Kralingslæting I, while she completed her PhD on "Griffin language as lingua franca in Western Natia" at the University of San Luciana in Solentoya. Her professors described her as very bright, shrewd and hardworking, qualities that could have been seen in very humorous interviews she started giving on her own at the age of 14. In addition to her native Griffin, she is fluent in Old Griffin, Tybaltevan, Solentoyan, Tamausi-Deltannese, Pyreican, as well as the languages of neighbouring Ugaly and Gvozdmost.

After the death of her father in 2193, Ana Klara tried to take the throne without much fanfare, but the interest of the public was too great, which is why the Griffin Parliament allowed live broadcasting of the ceremony on all Griffin television and radio stations. The ceremony began at the Rhemsitiskaja Katedraal in Rhemsit, which is the traditional coronation place of the Griffin kings, continued at the Bitnitska Katedraal in Kralingslæting where she was crowned Empress, and gave the final signature on the oath of allegiance in the upper house - the Senate at Rögzönpolg Castle, also in Kralingslæting.
Her current rule is mainly characterized by the opening of the Griffin Empire to the outside world and the establishment of new diplomatic relations and the renewal of old ones. She participated in the reactivation of griffin membership in the NBU. She currently lives with her husband the Emperor Consort Nicolas Söränsson (in the photo behind the Empress) on the route between three castles - Saint Belviederhee which is the official residence, Brobdingngang which has been turned into a museum and Blaaföntanshke. Her favourite food is pasta mei to griffiniskaja neikenilt (pasta à la Griffn), and her favorite drink is plain cold water. She likes to spend time on the Griffin coast wrapped in a blanket while listening to Diana Damrau. She does not know how to drive and does not plan to learn.

Her husband, Emperor Consort Nicolas Söränsson, comes from a wealthy noble family that bears the title of Prince of the Principality of Foreõsvdetrre. He was born in Kralingslæting, and attended the same primary and secondary schools as the Empress herself, where he met her. It is said that it was love at first sight. His interests, however, lie in other spheres than the Empress's - he is more interested in chemistry, which he graduated from the University of Sillhammer in Effiland, and teaches Instrumental Methods in Physical Chemistry at the University of Kralingslæting I. In addition to his native Griffin and Old Griffin, he speaks only Effinsk and refuses to learn any other language. Of all the experiences, his favorite is a visit to the deepest post office in the world in Utopolis.

The royal couple has three children, the eldest of whom is Ana Klara II (in the photo wearing traditional Griffin clothes), who bears the title of kral futureeiska - literally the future Empress. She was born prematurely while the emperor and empress were visiting Öösingimäed and is one of the few members of the imperial family born abroad. This 15-year-old is a big fan of WLSC and NSC, her favorite song is Yıkıl Karşımdan and she claims her favorite countries are Bigicia and Joseyeon. She is currently attending the Griffin Imperial Academy Krokoririi in Kralingslæting and plans to surpass her mother in the number of languages she speaks.

A year younger, prince Giorgi (in the photo) had already received his main title of Count of the County of Busk and a new surname - Dosgiorgiknehtbusksson, making him the ancestor of a new dynasty. This teenager is not interested in anything other than airplanes, so we can assume we are looking at a future pilot. Endórëan lizza is his favourite dish and he says it is a food he could eat for the rest of his life. His favourite subject is physical education and the Vortixxian (Xia) language spoken in Rehi Kaita which is his favorite place he would like to visit.

The youngest Karlotta is only five years old and is already showing that she doesn’t like cameras and spotlight. Little is known about the youngest princess who received the title of lady of the city of Valensingslæting, except that her favourite picture book is Cat in the Hat.

The Empress's twin brother, Henrik Köśhenriksson lord of the manor of Anastasij, is a successful businessman who has been living and working in Utopolis since his student days, but says he intends to return and actually live in Anastasij. He graduated in economics from the National University of Utopolis where he met his wife Elisa Fempodifan, an Utopolitan of Griffin non-noble descent. Together they have two children - a daughter Elina who lives and works with her father in Utopolis and a son Gustaav (in the photo) who has returned to the Griffin Empire where he lives in Kralingslæting and is currently at the center of speculation that he is in a secret relationship with the Tybaltevan king.

From controversial emperors to children obsessed with airplanes and the geography of Rehi Kaita, the Griffin royal family is anything but boring. We can certainly expect a lot from the new generation, which has all the predispositions to correct the mistakes of their ancestors.​
Last edited:


WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011
This 15-year-old is a big fan of WLSC and NSC, her favorite song is Yıkıl Karşımdan and she claims her favorite countries are Bigicia and Joseyeon. She is currently attending the Griffin Imperial Academy Krokoririi in Kralingslæting and plans to surpass her mother in the number of languages she speaks.

xheat Ana Klara II knows what's up

After the death of her father in 2193, Ana Klara tried to take the throne without much fanfare

Wow Griffin Empire living in the far future xheat

Great writeup once again xbow xbow your attention to detail is out of this world


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March 4, 2011
xheat Ana Klara II knows what's up
I bet you can't wait for her reign xheat
Wow Griffin Empire living in the far future xheat

Great writeup once again xbow xbow your attention to detail is out of this world
Yeah, the year thing is that I decided to count years by WLSC edition and the easiest way was to put the first WLSC in the year 2000. :lol: Thank you very much xheart, this was really fun, I wish I had more time for more worldbuilding, but this will be it for now. Stay tuned for 9th GL so we could have the 10th jubilee for Christmas again. :lol:


January 17, 2012
Woah! That was really hot! xheat My only criticism about your series is that it ends! :(

I'm glad to know more about the Griffin royalty, interesting to see the connections and personalities they have. I love me some colourful legendary dynasty.

Bravo my dear, you had nothing left to prove, and yet you still keep pouring everything into your craft. :love: I don't feel worthy of reading.

Also, I automatically have to stan the Empress being a language nerd. I wish her thesis were actually available. xheart


Super Moderator
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March 4, 2011
Woah! That was really hot! xheat My only criticism about your series is that it ends! :(

I'm glad to know more about the Griffin royalty, interesting to see the connections and personalities they have. I love me some colourful legendary dynasty.

Bravo my dear, you had nothing left to prove, and yet you still keep pouring everything into your craft. :love: I don't feel worthy of reading.
Thank you very much for you beautiful and kind words, all of this would not exist if you didn’t make your story first, so thank you really. I have today also noticed that our elections happened last year (2226. :lol:), so maybe there is something more there to write about, but I wouldn’t do it as well as Ash did with his elections. Anyway, thank you really. xrose

I wish her thesis were actually available. xheart
Do not start, because I will write it :lol:


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March 4, 2011
mare incatato - 9th edition

Hi everyone! The time has come for another national festival of the Griffin Empire, the penultimate one before the jubilee in December. Again in front of you are seven songs waiting for your points. If you want to participate, all you have to do is watch the recap and send me your top 7 ranked from best to worst song to your liking. Deadline coincides with WLSC (6th October), but depending on the number of voters, it may be extended for a few days. Thanks in advance and happy Laul! xheart

For more information about the location, idea behind the NF and previous planned line up visit the link.



WorldVision Mod 🍁
Staff member
August 9, 2011
Birmingham, UK
sis have you been peaking in my WV playlist? xheat


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March 4, 2011
140 points for Nudes

At the just-concluded Griffin National Competition for Best Song, the Principality of Meremaa won first place for the second time in a row. The charismatic Claire Laffut, together with Yseult, won over the domestic audience and the international jury with their song "Nudes" and collected a total of 140 points. This is the third biggest victory in the history of the festival in terms of the number of points won. True, the voting in the first stage (the votes of the jury of 14 nations) was uncertain with very little difference between the positions. Second place went to Pzyerüyölkeä with the song Eld & lågor, while third place went to Õklingsma to whom this is the best result to date.

International jury consisted of fourteen countries: Bigicia, Effiland, New Bander State, Kimmystan, Öösingimäed, Svobodnia, Utopolis, Moisantia, Tamausia & Deltannor, Endórë, Gringotts, Ugaly, Pyreica, and Balearica Island. This was the debut edition for jurors from Kimmystan, but also the first edition Solentoya wasn't part of the jury. Griffiniskaja Televisioon sends special thanks to all of the countries that took part in creating the show.

Full split results can be found at the official Griffiniskaja Laul page: link


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Staff member
March 4, 2011
Well middle of the pack for me, but at least it was one of the songs that I could vibe to. hate you cos I don't finishing last though is a #choice

Well it was close ngl, but they were in the lead for most of the time during the vote. :lol: Also the fact that that principality finished last for the second edition in a row. :lol:


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March 4, 2011

Help us choose the theme for the 10th GL jubilee!
(poll link here)

Hello people! Last year, in December, we had the fifth jubilee edition of the Griffin National Festival, which for the first time, especially for that occasion, had a theme - "back to the future". This should become a new tradition for each final edition of Griffiniskaya Laul at the end of the year. Therefore, it is time to decide which theme is appropriate for the tenth jubilee edition. GTV presents three potential themes, one of which will become official for the tenth Griffiniskaja Laul in December and they are:​
  • Socialist Federal Laul / current tracks from former Yugoslavia
The former Yugoslavia would be united for a moment through seven songs, one of which would be Griffin's new representative at the WLSC. Given that the Griffin Empire has one principality more than Yugoslavia, each of the six former Yugoslav republics would be represented by one song, except Bosnia and Herzegovina which would have two. In this way, we would get to know today's music scene of these six chaotic countries through Griffin's eyes.​
  • Skamløs / music from „Skam“

One of Griffin's most successful shows (read: my favourite series) - Skam is full of good music that significantly complemented the already well-done script. Seven memorable songs from four even more memorable seasons that were part of some key scenes and helped us understand the characters would certainly be a good addition to the history of the festival.

  • All-laul-stars / best placed artists

And the last topic is definitely one you might have guessed - "allstars", but with a Griffin twist. The best result that each principality achieved would be celebrated by having these artists re-represent their principalities. If you’ve followed the festival, you may even remember some of them. There would be some winners, but also second, third and fourth places given the poor performance of some principalities.

Official poll -
Deadline: November 1st, 2021


Super Moderator 🌴
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March 1, 2013
Socialism is the way to go x


Super Moderator
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March 4, 2011
Ode to South Slavs
Griffiniskaja Laul turns socialist for it's 10th edition, but not really

It's the theme deadline today. Actually, it should be tomorrow, but with such an obvious victory, it really doesn't matter. You have decided that we will have a Yugoslav themed jubilee, and you did that with an absolute majority. Many thanks to 14 of you that voted and congratulations - you all have voted the same. Now, don't forget these will be songs that were released relatively recently and are somewhat representative of my personal favourites from our beloved region of mass confusion and everything complicated. Bosnia and Herzegovina will be presented twice since there were only 6 socialist republics, and Griffin Empire has 7 principalities, but also because it's my country.

If you are interested, more about the upcoming 10th edition and its "legendarium" you can found on our NSC wiki. And now the most important question: what will you miss and what could have happened if the other themes were chosen? Short answer there would be no songs from Season 2 of Skam and there would be Madonna; long answer:​


The table can be found at the Wiki as well. Anyway, thank you for voting and see you in December or whenever WLSC 230 voting period would start.
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