#soon promiseAh I am counting on you because we have only one voter so far (Svobodnia legend).![]()
Adamsburg Aimūlli Arirang Balearica Island Begonia Belvist Biflovatia Bigicia Calypso Cherniya Comino Cydoni-Gibberia Dalisska Doire Effiland Emsfrynt Endórë Fervorosia Griffin Empire Halito Ic-Sa-Calli Insomnéa Kadis Kamandé Kordavian Islands Lacrea Luzinia MatiMati Moisantia Mormadorei New Bander State Öösingimäed Orangualia Oussou Empire Perryfornia Pyreica Rahasia-Diati Redwood Republic Reym-L-Dneurb Riya-Sampetrina Roseland Rumia Sakuralia Serenes Šilček Solentoya Sundfør Svobodnia Szimbaya Kingdom Tamausia & Deltannor Tanoiro Tcher-Racoi Tír an Abhainn Trollheimr Tuzi Tybalteva Ugaly Utopolis Vylkuzeme Yaponesia | @Schlagerman1 @Territrius @Steffan @Morty @pjelacki @Milos-BC @nofuxCZ @Gera11 @renzo @Yoni @spiluke @Sean @Sabrewulf238 @doctormalisimo @Barish @Ewigkeit @HayashiM @pyryniemi @randajad @berlyda @azilio99 @Mozz @MARCOMEN @Veliky @EurovisionSmile @Nicholas123 @Lonter @ClassifiedCat @Mattan @theditz83 @Marlfox @ferret @iowacorn @Leaf @CypriotGirl @Splash @Edweis @Veronika @Charly @anselm @Eulaliya @FabiESC @dogmeat @esc87fan @Karhu @Lenalite @AshleyWright @Koori @Rmetr0 @marc @theCONWEL @Ana Raquel @TomCherson @My Star @Stargazer @VasilijeM @tuorem @Fearnavigatr @Uto @as78 @takeru |
I will help later tonight. I need to eat first, just got home.
Thank you hotties, and thanks to Serenes, Bigicia and Doire,voted in GL for the very first time!
Ofc mdf, I will vote for the second time, if you ask soYall invited
Svobodnia @Rmetr0
Thank you very much. Living my FiK destiny.just voted #HappyLaulmas![]()
Go rig the competition queenSis i only >really< like one song kfkskslskdks :if you still want my votes
You will be charged, but the votes won't be countedCan I vote for the recap intro?
Thank you very much for your stylish votessent stylish votes over now