Federal Republic of Meridia
Meridia, officially the Federal Republic of Meridia, is a nation in the northern part of Natia, west of the mini-continent of Highwind. It borders Aimūlli to the north-west, Zechonia to the south-west, The Republic of Balmora to the north, and the Velosi Bigicia to the east, currently de facto in the hands of a military dictatorship under the name of the People's Republic of Velosia.
Meridia's history is rooted in the dissolution of the Kingdom of Bigicia, which fractured into multiple successor states following internal strife and political upheaval. In the aftermath of these events, Meridia emerged as a unifying force, advocating for democratic principles, human rights, and sustainable development.

Head of State: President Balwûr Cenric
Prime Minister: Ginevra Rimgailė
Capital: Meridia
Languages: Ciupean, Beto-Geran, English and South Aimūllian
Population: 5,053,211 (2023 Census)
Currency: Obsidian Glilune [₲ (GIL)]
In the Meridian federal system, sovereign powers are shared between two levels of elected government: national and state. States are subdivided into counties or county equivalents, and further divided into municipalities.
The seven Meridian states are:
Ciupa, Balmora, Sabeta, Selethis, Velosia (unincorporated), Meridia (capital state) and Aeloria.

Meridia in Waiting List Song Contest
(see also: https://nationsongcontest.miraheze.org/wiki/Meridia_in_Waiting_List_Song_Contest)

Meridia in Nation Song Contest
(see also: https://nationsongcontest.miraheze.org/wiki/Meridia_in_Nation_Song_Contest)

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