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Recent content by Nathan

  1. nSc 227 : cOnFirMaTioN : DeaDlinE 29 marCh 23:59 cET

    Heey, I just wanna say that ::pen Pen Island is withdrawing from NSC. I've loved participating and it was such an honour to be part of it as well, so this is purely because of not having enough time. Thanks guys xheart
  2. 🏆 NSC ||| THE OSCARS ||| 226 ||| THE GRAND FINAL RESULTS ||| TODAY AT 21:00 CET

    Congratulations ::slf xheya Fantastic winner!
  3. NSC [2×2=4] Final Maths Results ∑ 07/01 ∑ 20 CET

    Ooh sorry, I didn't know! Sorry I miss so much happening here :O But aah cool, congratulations Nicolas! xheart
  4. NSC [2×2=4] Final Maths Results ∑ 07/01 ∑ 20 CET

    Congratulations ::aim and Alex! xcheer Great winning entry!
  5. NSC [2×2=4] Final Maths Results ∑ 07/01 ∑ 20 CET

    No problem of course, Veronika! Don't feel bad about it!
  6. NSC [2×2=4] New Maths State ∑ DDL :11+12=23(59)cet

    Literally me XD This is too advanced for me :P
  7. 【結果発表】NSC 222 FINAL RESULTS SHOW 10月29日~30日

    Congratulations ::tch! xcheer
  8. 【七・二・十一祭】NSC 222 SEMIFINAL RESULTS 10月18日

    Ha, you ain't fooling me! Your birthday is coming :cool: (I got a notification for it from our MSN days haha) And thanks so much for making ::pen Pen Island qualify, people :love:
  9. ネイ・ソン・コン二二二 準決勝㊁ NSC 222: Semifinal 2 〆10月16日DL

    いいえ、私は流暢な日本語を話します :D いいえ、そう願っています XD
  10. 221st Nation Song Contest: PANTHEON

    Congratulations ::ech , such a great winning song, I was very fond it too! And thanks so much for your points for ::pen, my first qualification and 9th place immediately, thanks! xheart
  11. 221st Nation Song Contest: PANTHEON

    Oh wow, yessss So happy :D :D :D Thanks guys xheart Byeee at you XD Thanks xrunhug
  12. The NSC Map

    Hahahahaha I love it! Aww maybe the island where Luzinia used to be then? :O
  13. The NSC Map

    Ooh thanks for asking! Could ::pen Pen Island get a country in Highwind? I think there's an island free in the South, above Luzinia, maybe there? :O (If I'm allowed to ask for a specific place)
  14. [/⊕\] NSC 220 [/⊕\] Final results

    Cool winner! Congrats! :D
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