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  • Dear friend, I hope you are ok and enjoy these festivities with all yours!!! Please, remember to vote at WFSC!!! Tonight is the deadline as I need to summon everything for results, hopefully tomorrow. Please, let me know if you need longer (a few hours, I mean, I cannot grant too much I'm afraid :()
    Best of all for you!!! xrunhug
    Hola! xkiss I'm really happy for your win in WV! Sorry this time I didn't offer my help in case you wanted to host, but I'm not feeling very healthy lately, so it would be irresponsible from me to commit with something and someone when I'm not sure I will be able to do it :( I hope you can host though, and find a good help for that!
    Hey! I couldn't PM you because your inbox is full. :p
    You are invited to vote in Cypriot NF for WV 125! This NF has big diversity both in genres and in languages. Here is the link:
    Thank you very much in advance! :D
    Oh sorry.
    I already cleaned
    Thanks for the invitation, I'll try to vote tomorrow if I have time
    Hey xwave
    Just sent you a request in FB. Let's build bridges between Portugal and Germany xcheers
    • La La Love
    Reactions: JSSArcos
    Accept xheart
    Oh, I'm privileged to have you on my friends list xheat I propose a feat between Rammstein & Sterossouaroxheat to mark this alliance PORTUGAL / GERMANY xbow

    Looking forward to seeing you again on the WV

    All the best, your portuguese friend
    João Silva
    Hello there! I invite you to vote in Cyprus' National Final for WV 123! Your inbox was full, so I sent you the message here! :D
    I just saw now my friend , but I will vote for this NF I promise xrunhug
    More people writing down votes = more chance of mistakes XD. Anyway in case you want to try something, I will send it you XD
    You mean the Excel with the 6 columns? I don't think it's a good idea sending it already, as there are still many people yet to vote XDD
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