I was impatient to listen to the Bulgarian song and I finally listened to it

For a music lover like me, discovering a new song is always wonderful
Before reaching my technical comment, here I read about some people who like ... "melancholy music", but, they say, "catchy music" wasn't better?
What I think about "Tears getting sober" is that it is a song with a melancholy but also dreamy imprint. The structure is better than many other songs listened to so far and the sound is delicate like a caress. But all this reaches the "maximum limits" ... it looks like a song by the Disney princesses

or a Michielin 2.0

... at some point in the music that took strange folds it seemed to me that a Branduardi model minstrel had to come out ...
The real peak of emotion occurred at 2:47 am when Victoria raised her voice.
Now, even if it is not completely true, it is normal to say that the strength of a song lies in the refrain (which has the function of a beating heart) but the refrain was nice the first two times I heard

it then ... it is become a dirge

... finally a torment!

The rest of the song is not fixed in the listener's mind almost as if it were a subtrack of the refrain.
For me, a good song that doesn't fully express its potential.
Rating 6 and it is not in my "Top 10"