Back in 1995, Liora represented Israel with the beautiful song “Amen”, a song that was composed by Moshe Datz who was a part of Duo Datz (Israel 1991).
Liora placed 8th that year, receiving 81 points. ESCUNITED caught up with Liora to discuss her Eurovision adventure and her interesting journey since. Here is what she shared with us.
Looking back on your Eurovision experience, how would you describe it?
The Eurovision experience was amazing and fun: meeting all the artists from all over the world, acknowledging that so many people are watching you and that you are representing your country. You feel thrilled and you want to live up to everybody’s expectations. The expectations from my song “Amen” were high and over all it was great.
How did Eurovision affect your career and personal life?
It lifted my career to new heights that I still am offered to perform thanks to my Eurovision song. Even to this day, I keep performing for Jewish communities around the world, and naturally in Israel.
When you watch you Eurovision performance today, what goes through your mind?
I always remember those first moments of the song, in which I was thinking about my family and friends back home, and my country who selected me and my song with the majority of votes.
What’s your most “vivid” memory from the contest? what was the climax?
Nothing compares to the performance itself when you realize that so many people are watching you, including your loved ones who are so proud of you.
Would you consider participating in Eurovision again?
I would love to!
[vsw id=”DEULPw-Vwaw” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]Liora’s Eurovision performace
If you had to cover another Eurovision song, what would it be?
I would cover the winning German song “A Little Peace” (Ein bißchen Frieden)
What are your all time favorite Eurovision songs?
I really love the old Eurovision songs. One of my favorite contests is 1979 when “Hallelujah” won. It had so many beautiful songs.
If you had to choose one Eurovision artist to sing a duet with who would it be?
I would choose Johnny Logan of course.
What about a non-Eurovision artist?
Justin Bieber, haha
Are you still in touch with Duo Datz who represented Israel in 1991?
I’m not really in touch with them. They went through a divorce and after a while started working together again. Everybody is working own their own different projects. These days I’m working on different type of projects: I have a concert in Spanish dedicated to Mercedes Sosa’s songs, I also tour with a concert called “Viva Espana”, an Andalusian show with flamenco dancers. In addition, I’ve created a show in which I sing traditional songs from Libya, the country my parents originated from. Thus, I’m very busy with my own projects.
How was your relationship with Duo Datz during the contest?
We had a good relationship, although there was always the notion that they wanted to perform the song instead of me.
A few years ago you mentioned in an interview that Duo Datz were trying to share the fame with you, how do you see it today?
Of course they were trying to share the fame with me and attempted to gain the maximum they could for themselves. I fully understand that, it was natural as Moshe Datz composed the song. I was never upset with that.
Since participating in Eurovision, you managed to conquer the stages of South America. What were your professional highlights after the contest?
I experienced many highlights while performing in front of a large and loving audience in Argentina. They were sure I was born in Argentina. my professional climax was performing with the one and only Mercedes Sosa in Tel Aviv. She personally invited me to sing with her because she loved my cover version to her songs both in Hebrew and in Spanish.
Liora performing with Mercedes Sosa in Israel
What projects are you currently working on?
I perform all the time and constantly working on future projects. I have an entire show in Arabic. I perform songs by Farid al Atrash, Wards and other well known Egyptian artists. I keep performing my Spanish and Libyan concerts. The Libyan concert is a very emotional concert.
Is a tour scheduled?
My next tour will be in South America. It is going to be a long one. I might also perform in the US.
If you hadn’t been performing, what would you have been doing instead?
It doesn’t have to be instead. I’ve been a Yoga instructor for 15 years and it balances my life and soul.
Growing up, which artists/people inspired and influenced you the most?
Ever since I was a child I loved Barbra Streisand. In addition, I really loved French and Spanish music. I enjoyed traveling to far destinations through music, and I am thrilled to be able to physically visit these places today.
What are the top 3 most played songs on your phone?
Especially soothing Yoga music. I also listen to Fleetwood Mac, Simon & Garfunkel, U2 and Queen.
What are your proudest moments? career and personal?
In my career it was Eurovision and performing with Mercedes Sosa. There are so many touching personal moments that are special, but these are long stories.
[vsw id=”m8D1pTBZ36A” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]Liora covers “Let it Be” by The Beatles
Where do you most want to travel, but have never been?
I would love to visit Japan, I’ve never performed there.
What’s your favorite food/drink?
I love almost everything but I’d say water and wine. Food? so difficult to decide.
What’s your favorite color?
All the colors of the rainbow.
What’s your favorite book/movie?
I’d rather pick an author and director/writer, Deepak Chopra and Woody Allen.
Who would play your character in the movie about your life?
Haha, I have no idea
[vsw id=”rvHj7u67QcE” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
Liora covers Mercedes Sosa’s “Todo Cambia”
Share your thoughts with us: Who should play Liora in the movie about her life? would you like to see a Eurovision comeback?