Rehearsals are well underway for the 21th edition of Junior Eurovision, and thanks to the German delegation we were able to interview Germany’s representative FIA just before she went on stage for her rehearsal. Learn more about FIA by reading our conversation below!

Hello there FIA, welcome to ESCUnited! How are you doing among all the Junior Eurovision preparations?

I’m so excited and soooo happy to be in Nice and finally meet all the other children. 😍

Let’s help our readers get to know you a bit better. What is one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?

Sometimes I’m totally lost. 😂 My teacher once said to me, because almost every day I forgot
something in the classroom or somewhere else: “Fia, one day we’ll find your head in
the lost and found 😅.”

Did you always had competing at Junior Eurovision on your radar or was this a right time/right place opportunity?

To be honest, I didn’t even know there was a Junior ESC beforehand. But now I am very happy to have the chance to participate.

In thinking about your time at the contest and in Nice, what are you most looking forward to doing or experiencing?

It’s a great experience to perform together with so many other talents from different
countries. We have so much fun together. 😍

Your Junior Eurovision Song is about how you and your sister Emilia communicate without words. What was her first reaction when you told her that she’s going to be the inspiration behind your JESC song?

Sign language is so important to me because it was the beginning of finding a way to communicate with my little sister Emilia. Emilia is deaf and does not speak. I’m not sure if Emilia understands me, but I try and every time she is so happy when I sing and sign. This was my intention to learn more and more songs with supporting sign language and when I realised that I was suddenly reaching and touching millions of other people I was really overwhelmed and it makes me happy. I really hope that sign language will be available to everyone at school. So that everyone has the opportunity to learn it like any other foreign language.

In closing, do you have a final message you’d like to share with the ESCUnited readers?

I hope that you all like my song and that you spread my message that you don’t necessarily need words to understand each other.

FIA will compete alongside 15 other countries on November 26th with her song “Ohne Worte”. Remember that you can support her in the online televote starting on Friday 24 November at 20:00 CET

Are #YOU rooting for FIA and Germany in Nice? Let us know on social media @ESCUnited, on our discord, or on our forum page!

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